Saturday, August 29, 2015

August 28, 2015


I had a relaxing morning. Tj and Ang went shopping and then Tom and I went to Food Lion, less than a mile from the house. Nice! The van repair put our credit near the limit, so my credit card didn't work. Luckily, I had another one or we would be a hungry bunch and have no gas to get back to the Keys. 

We hung out at the house for a while longer. TJ's kids went swimming, and my Aunt Laurie and her husband Luis showed up. We all went to the Rusty Rudder, about 15 minutes away. It was a great place and I had a great visit with Laurie and Luis. 

When we got home we all ate Klondike Bars. Most of us went to bed, but Violet, she stayed up for quite a while with Tommy and TJ sleeping on the floor. 

Looks like Charlie had a great time today too, with Fran, Georgina, and Hannah. 

We've also been keeping our eyes on Hurricane Erica, which I think has broken up by now, but we are still a little anxious about driving in all the rain on Sunday to get back home.

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