Monday, August 10, 2015

August 10, 2015


I woke up before 7 AM. Odd. But I got up and had plenty of time to read. I woke up Tommy to put away the dishes he was supposed to put away last night, and then had him wake up Garrett to wash the dishes he was supposed to wash last night. Punks. 

I gave Joe a ride to give a bass demonstration, then came back home. Kim was there waiting for me to go walking and we went. Of course it was hot. No way to get away from it. I showered and ate breakfast just before noon.

Randy showed Tom and I a house at 2 PM. I loved it and we put an offer on it. It has lots of trees that make it feel like a tree fort. :0)

Came home and hurried to get ready for Sloppy's. Key West was hopping. Sloppy's was hopping. TJ and I took quick walks between sets. Some fans took pics. 

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