Friday, August 28, 2015

August 27, 2015


I got up, made coffee, and went swimming. The air temp was 65, but the water was warmer. Tom got up before me and took the van to the Mercedes shop in Charlotte. He spent the whole day there and didn't get home till 11 PM. 

I ate, read, worked on algebra, went swimming a second time, did some cross stitch, and just sat on the porch. JR brought us some chicken because he didn't know if we had food and knew we didn't have a car to go get some.  TJ and family arrived about 4 o'clock and the band left for their gig. 

I read some more and made salad and refried beans for supper for Tommy and I. Then Tommy and I looked at some of his school stuff online. His online school starts September 8. 

Tom came home before the band. He was too beat to stay at the gig at Whiskey River in Charlotte. The van repairs was $2700. Ouch. 

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