Saturday, August 8, 2015

August 8, 2015


I woke up before my alarm and had lots of time to get ready for my beach day with Charlie. Our church had a BBQ and baptism at Bahia Honda also, so we went to that too. We got to the beach a little after 9 and stayed till 1ish. The beach was really crowded by then. 

We went home and showered, then I went to Kim's new studio and we unpacked stuff and put the yarn on shelves. I walked home as the band was leaving for their evening gig at Sunset Pier. Their earlier gig at Sunset Pier was cancelled because it was just too hot. 

At home I folded laundry and faught off depression. Folding laundry always makes me depressed. In my head I contemplated going to Bistro or Springer's for supper because I didn't want to cook, but once the laundry was folded and I did the dishes I didn't mind being in the kitchen. I made corn on the cob and homemade baked falafel for Tommy, Charlie, and I. 

After that I did my class work, read to Charlie, and went to bed. 

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