Thursday, August 20, 2015

August 19, 2015


Doug and Debra came to get Emma and take her to college. Both my shoulders were bothering me and I had to have Emma braid my hair. I couldn't reach. I did some more school prep and got groceries. Tommy and Charlie went with me. After I put the groceries away I went over to TJ's to bbsit the girls. TJ and Ang had a gig at Blue Heaven and the rest of the band went to Schooner. 

I took Callie and Violet to church, then went back to their house. We played and I let Callie watch 2 episodes of Power Rangers while I did the dishes. Violet was much more pleasant than the last time I watched her. We read a princess and frog book and right at the end Violet bit Callie on the stomach. :0( I put Callie to bed and Violet fell asleep on my lap about 11 PM. I spent the next hour making schedules for school until TJ, Angelica, and Jake got home. 

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