Tuesday, August 4, 2015

August 4, 2015


Today was a rough day for our whole family. We got news this morning that our friend's 21 year old son, passed away last night. He was good friends with Joe. We are all sad and were numb all day. 

I went walking, but it was so hot and I felt sick. So I only did 4 laps around the park instead of 6. When I got back I found out that Kurt was hacked big time. All his accounts, email, Facebook, he had to delete everything. People were trying to blackmail him with photoshopped pictures. He called the police. He dealt with that all night and this morning.

I dropped Charlie off at his fiddle lesson, then Tom and I went to Kim's to help her pack. We took a loom apart. Then Kim went to eat lunch with Doug and we went home. Didn't do a lot, and then went back to Kim's and took apart another loom. 

We went back home to get ready to leave for our Sloppy's gig and just before we were to leave we found out that another band was on their schedule. It all worked out. Everyone was happy to stay home. I took Charlie over to the church so he could go to swim practice with Hannah again. 

I got some groceries for supper tonight. Naomi helped me make Buffalo cauliflower and I made a green salad and cut up watermelon.. The boys played hockey. We ate. I did dishes and read to Charlie. 

Here's a pic of Caleb and his mom, and one of the pillowcase I finished yesterday.

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