Monday, February 29, 2016

February 29, 2016


The world around me almost stops when you are packing and moving. Tommy had classes, but the rest of us packed and carried, and unloaded. Ben and Alex primed the built in bunks in the big boys room. Then we went back to Ave C and hurried to get ready for our gig at Sloppy Joes. 

Georgina picked up Charlie for swimming and we left. Key west is busy right now. It's season. TJ, Ang, and Jake played at Boondocks with Terry Cassidy. We missed them, but Nina's gig was cancelled so she joined us for the 2nd and 3rd sets. 

February 28, 2016


I woke up really early and listened to 1 1/2 hours of lectures for my class. I finished it and took my test. I'm happy to have that done.

We went to church. Kim and kids, and Ang and kids came over after church. We ate lunch and then I did more packing. Randy and Mikki came over with their truck and trailer. We loaded them up, and our GMC van, and took it over to the new house. We unloaded, went back to Ave C, and the band headed out to Schooner Wharf. 

Maurice Brown was at their show and came up and played his trumpet with them. I wasn't there though. I stayed home, did laundry, went to church, and then over to Mikki and Randy's to watch the race. At the corner of Mikki's street there were two girls in the street. They flagged me down and asked to use my phone. They were locked out of their house. So I gave them my phone and as she started putting the number in she said, "You know my mom!" That was neat. It's fun living on a small island. 

Mikki fed me and we visited while watching the race. So glad I went over. Thanks Mikki ( & Randy too)!

Saturday, February 27, 2016

February 27, 2016


Most of the boys went to the mainland to go go-carting for Ed and Aaron's birthday. Tommy was the only kid left at home. 

I went to Winn Dixie at 9 AM, hoping to beat the crowd, and I did it! When I got to the check out there was a cashier with no line and no customers. I was in and out of there in less than an hour. I felt good.

When I got home Tom helped me carry up the groceries. As I was putting them away Doug arrived to help us start moving. We loaded up boxes of school books and the shelves near the kitchen table. They also loaded the matresses from the guest room. 

We drove to the house and unloaded. I put out the new cushions on the bench seat in the kitchen and put flowers on the kitchen table. 

We went back to Ave C and loaded the guest room bed frames and some bins of fabric from my closet. I think there were four. We went back to Wilhelmina and Tom anchored the shelves to the wall in Tommy's room. I started putting books on the shelves. Tommy's going to have a school desk in his room. He's been parked at the end of the kitchen table for a long, long time. Tom had me cleaning  some built in drawers in our closet. 

At 5 o'clock we went back to Ave C so I could make supper. I had invited Kim and Bob over for supper. Kim arrived when I did. I made Buffalo cauliflower, baked potatoes, and a salad. I did the dishes before and after supper. 

The rest of the kids came home and they went to the park to play hockey. Charlie and I joined Tom in the hottub afterwards, then I went to bed. I'm beat.

Friday, February 26, 2016

February 26, 2016


This morning I started packing boxes. Our closing date is March 15. We can start moving stuff now and start living there March 1. Tomorrow would have been a great moving day since we have no gig, but the boys are going to the mainland to go go-carting for Ed and Aaron's birthdays. Also, the Sprinter is still in the shop and the kids are taking the GMC. That leaves us with the little black beater car and that doesn't hold much. Doug said he would come help us some with his truck. I'm starting to get scared. So much stuff. Down-sizing again.

Anyways, I emptied the school bookshelves in the kitchen and did laundry all day. I folded and folded. The band went to Sloppy's and I stayed home and watched TJ's girls because Angelica wasn't feeling well. The girls were great and Callie helped me pick up in the boys room. I guess I put a small dent in the work. 

After the gig the boys played hockey. Ed made us waffles because no one wanted to eat leftover 15 bean soup from yesterday. They are getting tired of the old salad too. Next I had to help Tommy finish a report for a science experiment. We did one earlier today too.

Yesterday Kim came over and we made the cushions for the bench seat in the new kitchen. Kim cut the foam and helped me figure out the measurements. I'm so glad they are done. My "to do" list only gets longer, not shorter. I think I'm whining.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

February 23, 2016


I made myself go walking. We did school and I practiced fiddle with Charlie. I took Tom's oatmeal over to Wilhelmina so he could have breakfast, then picked up Ben, Kurt, and Alex amd took them to Wilhelmina, and then I went back home. Georgina picked Charlie up for swimming and I went over two math lessons with Tommy. 

The band went to Schooner Wharf. At about 6 o'clock I started supper and did dishes. I made brown rice and a teriyaki stir-fry. Bobby came over for supper and then he, Tommy, amd I played Scrabble. I won. :0) Bobby stayed a little longer. I quilted and watched a movie on the computer. 

Here's a pic of the yard after Mikki and I got rid of the sugar cane. 

Monday, February 22, 2016

February 22, 2016


I went walking and then went with Ben, Emma, her mom, and aunt to Key West. On the way we stopped and showed them the new house. Then we went to the Crepery restaurant. The food was very good and we had a very enjoyable afternoon.

Charlie was sad that I wasn't home when he woke up. He missed me. Then Tom took him to swimming before I got back. Just before I got back Garrett had gotten up with a horrible back ache and was throwing up. When I got home he couldn't stand, sit, or lie down. Everything hurt too much and he could not stay still. He was also throwing up.  I had Ed call Dr. C because I didn't know what to do. The doctor's office here on Big pine was already closed. Dr. C said it sounded like kidney stones and to take him to the ER. 

Meanwhile, our company got ready to leave and left. I didn't have a car and Emma's mom had just come from Winn Dixie and had seen TJ, so I called TJ and he picked up Garrett and I. I was going to go get the GMC from TJ's house, or borrow Kurt's car, but TJ saw how much pain Garrett was in and he drove us. Tom was at swimming with Charlie and wanted us to meet him at Urgent Care instead of the ER. It was farther to go but we went. It took about 45 minutes to get there. He writhed in pain the whole way , on the floor, stretched out, curled up, crazy. His legs hurt too.

They gave him medicine to help him stop throwing up, then pain medication, and then did a CAT scan and sure enough, it was a kidney stone. 

They finally sent us home. We stopped at Publix at 8:30 PM for prescriptions and then went home. We shall see how tomorrow goes. 

This is the only bad picture I have from today. It's too bright.

February 21, 2016


We went to church. Afterwards Kim dropped her boys off, and Tommy went to Boondocks to help watch TJ's kids there. TJ and Ang's band, The Family Band, played with Kim at the Habitat for Humanity benefit at Boondocks. I was the designated babysitter.

Things were crazy at first, but Garrett came home and helped, and before I knew both boys had fallen asleep. Kim picked them up and then I had a little free time. Then I went to Mikki's house to watch the race (they recorded it) and Tom went to church. He and Tommy came too after church. Dale ended up crashing about 3/4 of the way through. 

All the kids that went to Daytona didn't get home till 4 AM. What a long ride. 

Sunday, February 21, 2016

February 20, 2016


I woke up around 9. Mom made us sausage, bisquits, and gravy for breakfast and the she and I went to the quilt show in Punta Gorda. It was great. I bought a few patterns from one vender and enjoyed talking to her. I went back to give her our card and she said, "The Doerfels!" She knew exactly who we were. She had brought her mother to Key West for her 90th birthday and the boys had sung "Happy Birthday" to her mom. So cool!!

When we got home we sat ouside and visited for a little, then Tom and I went to the pool. Next, we went with my parents to Cracker Barrel in N. Fort Myers. We met up with my friend, Stacey, who happened to be staying in a campground not far from there. 

Tom and I had planned on going to see the Gibson brothers' concert in Naples, but decided to do the dinner instead. Then we drove 5 hours back to the Keys. We got home at 1 AM. I don't like driving so late at night when we should be sleeping but it worked out ok.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

February 19, 2016


Mikki picked me up at 10 and we went to Wilhelmina to do yard work. With both of us working it took only an hour. Garrett was supposed to mow today but didn't. When I got home I made cinnamon waffles for Charlie, Tommy, Ed, and I. I folded some laundry and before I knew it, it was time to leave for Sloppy Joes (1:30 PM)). 

Alex helps so much at the shows. We will miss him when he goes. We don't want him to ever leave. 

Mikki and Randy came to the show and I sat with them most of the time. 

Right before we left for Sloppy's I found out that Emma's mom and aunt were coming to stay Saturday night. I'm glad they are coming, and when we got home I got the guest room ready. I folded some more laundry to make the mountain of laundry smaller, and packed my bag for an overnight at my parent's house in Punta Gorda. I hoped to leave about 8:30-9, but it was 9:40 when we left. Tom drove till we were half way across 41, (he was super sleepy and scaring me) so he moved to the back seat and fell asleep and I drove to Bonita Springs. We got some coffee and corn chips, washed the windshield, and Tom drove the rest of the way. We arrived a little after 3 AM. 

I have many happy memories of staying here at Shell Creek Park with the kids when they were little. I wish we could all come and stay again, although now they are so big I don't think they could all sleep in the living room like they used to. This weekend they are going to the Daytona 500. "Someone" gave them tickets. :0)

Thursday, February 18, 2016

February 18, 2016


I'm going to try to be short tonight. I'm tired. 

I walked with Kim, did school and practiced fiddle with Charlie, dropped Tommy at his guitar lesson, took a shade umbrella to Wilhelmina, picked up sunscreen from TJ's and took it to Wilhelmina, went back home, watched TJ's girls during his gig at Hogfish, and went thru 5 shelves of books. 

Are we really going to move? We don't have a date yet, but I think it's going to happen. 

Oh, look close at the bottom of the door. We had an iguana in the house today. He might still be here. I left the door open but didn't see him go out. He was about 9 or 10 inches long I think. I hope I don't run into him tomorrow. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

February 17, 2016


I exercised. The boys went to work on the house. I practiced fiddle with Charlie and then we did school till about 2 o'clock, when Tom called and wanted me to bring a sun umbrella to Wilhelmina. Then Ed texted and wanted me to bring lunch. So Charlie and I stopped at Winn Dixie and bought lunch. 

When I got there a few boys were painting the railing. I think Tom was working on door knobs. We ate with them and then went home.

I tried to do some more school but Charlie was pretty uncooperative. The band went to Sunset Pier. TJ dropped off the girls. They had a gig at Blue Heaven. Fifteen minutes later Kim dropped off her boys. Tommy went with her to worship practice. Kim was back in an hour. Garrett and Charlie were here to help me so it didn't go too bad. 

I fed the girls supper and we walked to church. I used Kim's stroller. It was easier than buckling car seats and probably took the same amount of time. We just had to walk home in the dark. I'm not crazy about that but Tommy walked home with us and we had flashlights.

Both girls fell asleep and I went over two math lessons with Tommy. Tj picked up the girls. Then I paid a few bills and went into depression. I don't like being bookkeeper. Oh well. 

I feel like I should be packing, or going thru stuff, getting ready for our move, but everyday there is no time. I need to stop thinking about it. 

Here's a pic of Ben hard at work today. Actually, he just ate lunch and I guess he needed a cat nap. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

February 16, 2016


Kim and I went walking with the Stevie and Reed in the stroller. The boys went to skate at the rink but after 20 minutes it started to rain.  Kim dropped Charlie off at his fiddle lesson for me and then I met her over at Wilhelmina.

The ceiling fans and lights were up. Yay!! The electrical inspector was there and the house passed. The plumbing passed a few days ago. Alex was touching up on some paint jobs. Ben and Ed were putting closet shelves up, and poor Tom was mudding in the master bathroom. He strongly dislikes that job. 

From there I went to Winn Dixie for some groceries and lunch for the guys. It was a madhouse. There was actually a traffic jam of carts waiting to be checked out. I knew it wasn't the best time to go but that was when I could fit it in. Next, I picked up Charlie from his lesson and we went back to Wilhelmina and ate lunch with the guys. They only get to eat lunch about once a week when I bring it. 

Charlie and I came home and I put groceries away. We did a little schoolwork and then Georgina came to pick up Charlie for swimming. I am so thankful that she takes Charlie. I tried to clean up the entryway. I washed the bedding in the guest room and then cleaned one of the blinds in the kitchen. That ranks right up there with folding laundry. I can't stand it. I did the dishes and made brownie batter for Ed's birthday.

I left the unbaked batter on the counter and drove to pick up Charlie from Hannah's dance lesson. We went back to the grocery store for a few things I needed for supper and Ed's birthday celebration.

I made blackbean soup and a salad. I baked the brownies and melted marshmellows on top. Ed loves marshmellows. The boys played hockey and then we ate and sang "Happy Birthday" to Ed. I did dishes again and was tired of being on my feet. 

(The pic of Garrett, I call that his "Medussa" hair).

Monday, February 15, 2016

February 13, 2016


Tom woke me up at 20 minutes before 8 to go to a work day at Wilhelmina. It seemed dumb for me to go. I had no idea what I could do, but kept my mouth shut. We went, and I don't think it was a work day. No one else showed up. The bathroom sink was leaking so Tom messed with it and set a bowl under it. I cleaned up some garbage and washed one window, inside and out, about 10 times before it looked just ok. I wish the house had a cat walk around it to wash windows. I'll have to make the boys do it once a year, with ladders or something. Or I'll have to keep some white lacy curtains over them so I don't see the dirt.

We came home. I did dishes and bookkeeping. I did math with Tommy. The band went to Schooner and Kim and Bobby came over for supper. I made a stir-fry and a salad. After they left I quilted and watched "Coal Miner's Daughter."

Saturday, February 13, 2016

February 12, 2016


I did school with Charlie and helped Tommy with homework.  At 5 Randy and Mikki picked  Gary Lounsberry, our guest,  and I up. We went to Home Depot to make some returns and pick up some door knobs, backsplash, and a mailbox. Then we went to the gig at Schooner. We had a fun night. 

Friday, February 12, 2016

February 11, 2016


I went walking this morning. I even ran one time around the park. I am going to start adding to that. I need something to work towards. About 2 years ago I was running 3 times around the park, a major accomplishment for me.

I had a hard time concentrating. I didn't want to do school with Charlie. He did some work on his own. I did dishes and then got a ride from TJ over to the new house. The kitchen cabinet knobs came in the mail and I took them over.

While I was there, Bobby called from work and said his car battery was dead, so Tom had me take the black car to give him a jump.we got it started and then we both drove to NAPA, where we got a new battery. An accident occurred at mm 25 on the Niles Channel bridge and traffichadnstarted backing up on Big Pine when we left. Fortunately for me, I was headed the opposite direction for home. 

I wasn't home too long and TJ dropped off the kids and they left for their gig at Hogfish. They got stuck in the traffic jam but did finally make it to the gig. I folded some laundry and then buckled the car seats into the GMC. We went to Mikki's house for supper. Tom and John met us there. It was a fun night. The kids ran and ran and ran. 

We packed them up and went back to our house about 9 o'clock. I did dishes again and got Violet ready for bed. I tried to clean off the kitchen table and the island but didn't get very far. TJ picked up the kids and I went to bed.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

February 10, 2016


I made through the 4 days and 5 nights of watching the grand kids. TJ and Angelica got back today. I didn't write Monday or Tuesday. The days were pretty much the same. Violet was up during the nights and then up early in the morning. I would sit in the kitchen and hold her and she would fall asleep. Sometimes I could put her down and she would keep sleeping and sometimes not. 
So while I sat there I watched "Colonial House" on the computer. I don't have a rocking chair anymore, just a computer chair, and my computer is nothing special, but it's more comfortable than the couch. Let's not talk about couches now. 

I didn't get anything done while the kids were here, except a few dishes, and Callie bugged me to finish a dress I had started for her, so in Tuesday I finally made the buttonholes and sewed on the buttons and it was done.

Monday night the band played at Schooner Wharf but I stayed home with the little kids. Tuesday night I picked up pizza for the work crew. They worked at the house all day, Tom, Ed, Ben, Kurt, and Alex. Then Tom and I went to Home Depot in Marathon and were there till they closed. We bought some closet stuff, paint, garbage disposal, lights, and wood. 

On Wednesday I painted with water colors with the kid and then TJ picked them up. Mikki picked me up and we went to see the house. The boys were painting the bottom of the deck. Yesterday thy painted the outside doors and the shutters. Today they also painted the top of the deck. I can't believe the change in the house. It is finally looking good. 

The boys switched dishwashers ith the new house. Tom started to hook it up but then had to leave to work at the other house. Tom left me his mess to clean up.  

I went over math with Tommy and Gary Loumsberry arrived. He is staying for a few days. Charlie and I rode with Gary over to church. We ate and had Buble study. Grandpa Bob and Grandma Helen were at church too. I came home and did dishes. We visited with Gary a little ate avocados. and watched hockey. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

February 7, 2016


Went to church and Kim came over. It was crazy at our house, so I snuck out to Winn Dixie. I hoped to make it a quick trip, but Tom went with me. We stopped at Wilhelmina so I could take a peek and see what was new. Tom did a few small jobs, then we ran into Kayak Bob and gabbed for a few. Then we finally made it to WD. I ran in for about 6 things and then saw Tom by the light bulbs. I checked out and went out to the car but Tom wasn't there. I called his cell phone and Ed answered. Tom had left it at home. So I had to go back in the store to find him. He was still at the light bulbs. 

I went home and started supper, pulled pork barbecue, baked sweet potatoes, salad, and brownies and ice cream. Bobby ce over for supper. 

The big kids all went to a Super Bowl party at Billie and Angie's. We watched it at home, but the beginning was kind of boring so I didn't watch much after that but sat out there and quilted. 

Sunday, February 7, 2016

February 5, 2016


Tom got the Sprinter back today. It's been in the shop for two months. On our way to Sloppy's it broke down. We were able to limp our way to work and Fran brought us the GMC. They were picking up Charlie to go the movies in KW so it worked out great. After we limped back home, Tom limped it back to the shop.


TJ dropped the kids of last night so they could leave during the night for the airport in Lauderdale. They are on the way to Nashville. They first planned on a trip to Buffalo but changed their minds. They went to SPBGMA, a bluegrass convention. The Navy's bluegrass band is going to and they wanted to meet them and hang out. TJ is trying out for the Navy Bluegrass band in April.

Jake and Callie were great. Violet got up 3 or 4 times so I didn't get too much sleep. The big kids had a double today, Sunset Pier and a benefit. The first gig got rained out and they got soaked. They were not happy. Tom had gotten the Sprinter back this morning from the shop, fixed again, and Ed said they still had problems with it. Looks like we got a lemon, a nice expensive one. :0(

They came home In between gigs. I did laundry, folded laundry, swept, and hoped to clean out a few drawers or shelves in preparation for our move but that didn't happen. I helped Tommy with a paper he was writing for a class. I invited Kim and Bob to eat supper with us and they came. We had lentil/spilt pea soup, vegetable pancakes, corn on the cob for the kids, and a salad. Violet fell asleep at 9:30 and slept til 5:30 AM! Yippee!!

Friday, February 5, 2016

February 4, 2016


I went walking with Kim, I think, I can't remember. I think I did. No, now I think I didn't. That was yesterday.

I went grocery shopping, first thing. I needed a lot, and there was no one to help me carry it upstairs, or so I thought. When I got home, the kids' friend, Marshall,  was there, and he helped me. Tommy had an online class so I couldn't ask him to help. 

We did school and I went over more math with Tommy. After Georgina picked up Charlie for swimming I went over to the house with Garrett. I was so surprised. John had the shower doors up. Ed had painted the laundry doors. The bathroom sinks, faucets, lights, and ceiling fans were delivered. Mikki came over too, to see everything. 

I almost forgot, some decorative pieces came for the stairs. The stairs still have to be pressure washed and stained. They are going to be turquoise. We took a pic of one propped up just to get a taste of what they will look like. 

I came home and folded laundry for hours, until John texted and said he and Bobby were waiting for us to meet them for pizza. We were late. Tom and Ed went to look at a car a few streets away. Ben cut Alex's hair and then the big kids had youth group at the park. They played ultimate frisbee. 

Tom finally showed up and we ate pizza with Bob and John. We came home and I put all that laundry away and went to bed.

February 3, 2016


I went walking with Kim and did a lot of picking up. I did school with Charlie and went over math with Tommy. Charlie and I went to Winn Dixie and bought lunch for the guys working at the house and we ate with them. Later, Mikki picked me up. We picked up Randy from work and headed to Key West. Our first stop was Home Depot. I picked out the shower doors for or bathroom and two medicine cabinets. The second stop was Sunset Pier to watch the band. Tom rode with John and was already there. We stayed for an hour or so. Our third stop was Blue Heaven to watch TJ and Angelica's band. I usually love Blue Heaven, but tonight it took us an hour and a half to get seated. By then, the excitement was gone. Also, the band was on their last song by the time we were seated. 

Our fourth stop was Chicago's to see Nina's band play. Ed and Joe were there. Joe was playing bass and Ed was working the camera. We listened to two songs. I think we were all looking forward to going to bed by this time. On the way home we stopped at a gas station for two Heath bars and a Carmello (that's my favorite). 

On John's way home he stopped at Home Depot and picked up the shower doors and the medicine cabinets. 

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

February 2, 2016


TJ dropped the girls off about 8 AM. Uncle Jack went with them to the mainland to look at a van that turned out to be a dud. On the way home they had a gig in Islamorada. 

I took Charlie to his fiddle lesson at 11:30 and then picked him up at noon. I took the girls and Charlie and we went to Marathon. I dropped Charlie off at gym class and took the girls to Home Depot with me. I bought the backsplash for the kitchen. We went back to the park and picked up Charlie and then came home.

Charlie changed for swimming and Georgina picked him up. The girls and I went to Kim's to play for a while. Kim had the AC on and I enjoyed that, and the girls loved playing with all Stevie's toys. I picked up TJ's produce on the way back to our house. 

The band left for Schooner Wharf. I invited Bobby over for supper. I made beans and rice, we had some subs, and Callie and I made cupcakes. After supper I let the girls watch Cinderella, then about 9:30 I took them home. They fell asleep and I just moved them into their beds. 

I did a few dishes at TJ's and read for a little. When TJ got home he took me home and I went straight to bed.

Monday, February 1, 2016

February 1, 2016


I went walking this morning. The humidity was 95%. I had to wake up Charlie about 10 times before he got up. We got some schoolwork done before he went to swimming and we went to Sloppy Joes.

 I need more time in my days. I need to get my laundry folded and put away. We need groceries, just the normal stuff. And I could use some time to start cleaning things out to get ready to move. No date on that yet, but it's coming.