Wednesday, February 10, 2016

February 10, 2016


I made through the 4 days and 5 nights of watching the grand kids. TJ and Angelica got back today. I didn't write Monday or Tuesday. The days were pretty much the same. Violet was up during the nights and then up early in the morning. I would sit in the kitchen and hold her and she would fall asleep. Sometimes I could put her down and she would keep sleeping and sometimes not. 
So while I sat there I watched "Colonial House" on the computer. I don't have a rocking chair anymore, just a computer chair, and my computer is nothing special, but it's more comfortable than the couch. Let's not talk about couches now. 

I didn't get anything done while the kids were here, except a few dishes, and Callie bugged me to finish a dress I had started for her, so in Tuesday I finally made the buttonholes and sewed on the buttons and it was done.

Monday night the band played at Schooner Wharf but I stayed home with the little kids. Tuesday night I picked up pizza for the work crew. They worked at the house all day, Tom, Ed, Ben, Kurt, and Alex. Then Tom and I went to Home Depot in Marathon and were there till they closed. We bought some closet stuff, paint, garbage disposal, lights, and wood. 

On Wednesday I painted with water colors with the kid and then TJ picked them up. Mikki picked me up and we went to see the house. The boys were painting the bottom of the deck. Yesterday thy painted the outside doors and the shutters. Today they also painted the top of the deck. I can't believe the change in the house. It is finally looking good. 

The boys switched dishwashers ith the new house. Tom started to hook it up but then had to leave to work at the other house. Tom left me his mess to clean up.  

I went over math with Tommy and Gary Loumsberry arrived. He is staying for a few days. Charlie and I rode with Gary over to church. We ate and had Buble study. Grandpa Bob and Grandma Helen were at church too. I came home and did dishes. We visited with Gary a little ate avocados. and watched hockey. 

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