Monday, February 29, 2016

February 28, 2016


I woke up really early and listened to 1 1/2 hours of lectures for my class. I finished it and took my test. I'm happy to have that done.

We went to church. Kim and kids, and Ang and kids came over after church. We ate lunch and then I did more packing. Randy and Mikki came over with their truck and trailer. We loaded them up, and our GMC van, and took it over to the new house. We unloaded, went back to Ave C, and the band headed out to Schooner Wharf. 

Maurice Brown was at their show and came up and played his trumpet with them. I wasn't there though. I stayed home, did laundry, went to church, and then over to Mikki and Randy's to watch the race. At the corner of Mikki's street there were two girls in the street. They flagged me down and asked to use my phone. They were locked out of their house. So I gave them my phone and as she started putting the number in she said, "You know my mom!" That was neat. It's fun living on a small island. 

Mikki fed me and we visited while watching the race. So glad I went over. Thanks Mikki ( & Randy too)!

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