Friday, February 12, 2016

February 11, 2016


I went walking this morning. I even ran one time around the park. I am going to start adding to that. I need something to work towards. About 2 years ago I was running 3 times around the park, a major accomplishment for me.

I had a hard time concentrating. I didn't want to do school with Charlie. He did some work on his own. I did dishes and then got a ride from TJ over to the new house. The kitchen cabinet knobs came in the mail and I took them over.

While I was there, Bobby called from work and said his car battery was dead, so Tom had me take the black car to give him a jump.we got it started and then we both drove to NAPA, where we got a new battery. An accident occurred at mm 25 on the Niles Channel bridge and traffichadnstarted backing up on Big Pine when we left. Fortunately for me, I was headed the opposite direction for home. 

I wasn't home too long and TJ dropped off the kids and they left for their gig at Hogfish. They got stuck in the traffic jam but did finally make it to the gig. I folded some laundry and then buckled the car seats into the GMC. We went to Mikki's house for supper. Tom and John met us there. It was a fun night. The kids ran and ran and ran. 

We packed them up and went back to our house about 9 o'clock. I did dishes again and got Violet ready for bed. I tried to clean off the kitchen table and the island but didn't get very far. TJ picked up the kids and I went to bed.

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