Sunday, February 7, 2016

February 5, 2016


Tom got the Sprinter back today. It's been in the shop for two months. On our way to Sloppy's it broke down. We were able to limp our way to work and Fran brought us the GMC. They were picking up Charlie to go the movies in KW so it worked out great. After we limped back home, Tom limped it back to the shop.


TJ dropped the kids of last night so they could leave during the night for the airport in Lauderdale. They are on the way to Nashville. They first planned on a trip to Buffalo but changed their minds. They went to SPBGMA, a bluegrass convention. The Navy's bluegrass band is going to and they wanted to meet them and hang out. TJ is trying out for the Navy Bluegrass band in April.

Jake and Callie were great. Violet got up 3 or 4 times so I didn't get too much sleep. The big kids had a double today, Sunset Pier and a benefit. The first gig got rained out and they got soaked. They were not happy. Tom had gotten the Sprinter back this morning from the shop, fixed again, and Ed said they still had problems with it. Looks like we got a lemon, a nice expensive one. :0(

They came home In between gigs. I did laundry, folded laundry, swept, and hoped to clean out a few drawers or shelves in preparation for our move but that didn't happen. I helped Tommy with a paper he was writing for a class. I invited Kim and Bob to eat supper with us and they came. We had lentil/spilt pea soup, vegetable pancakes, corn on the cob for the kids, and a salad. Violet fell asleep at 9:30 and slept til 5:30 AM! Yippee!!

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