Monday, February 15, 2016

February 13, 2016


Tom woke me up at 20 minutes before 8 to go to a work day at Wilhelmina. It seemed dumb for me to go. I had no idea what I could do, but kept my mouth shut. We went, and I don't think it was a work day. No one else showed up. The bathroom sink was leaking so Tom messed with it and set a bowl under it. I cleaned up some garbage and washed one window, inside and out, about 10 times before it looked just ok. I wish the house had a cat walk around it to wash windows. I'll have to make the boys do it once a year, with ladders or something. Or I'll have to keep some white lacy curtains over them so I don't see the dirt.

We came home. I did dishes and bookkeeping. I did math with Tommy. The band went to Schooner and Kim and Bobby came over for supper. I made a stir-fry and a salad. After they left I quilted and watched "Coal Miner's Daughter."

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