Saturday, February 20, 2016

February 19, 2016


Mikki picked me up at 10 and we went to Wilhelmina to do yard work. With both of us working it took only an hour. Garrett was supposed to mow today but didn't. When I got home I made cinnamon waffles for Charlie, Tommy, Ed, and I. I folded some laundry and before I knew it, it was time to leave for Sloppy Joes (1:30 PM)). 

Alex helps so much at the shows. We will miss him when he goes. We don't want him to ever leave. 

Mikki and Randy came to the show and I sat with them most of the time. 

Right before we left for Sloppy's I found out that Emma's mom and aunt were coming to stay Saturday night. I'm glad they are coming, and when we got home I got the guest room ready. I folded some more laundry to make the mountain of laundry smaller, and packed my bag for an overnight at my parent's house in Punta Gorda. I hoped to leave about 8:30-9, but it was 9:40 when we left. Tom drove till we were half way across 41, (he was super sleepy and scaring me) so he moved to the back seat and fell asleep and I drove to Bonita Springs. We got some coffee and corn chips, washed the windshield, and Tom drove the rest of the way. We arrived a little after 3 AM. 

I have many happy memories of staying here at Shell Creek Park with the kids when they were little. I wish we could all come and stay again, although now they are so big I don't think they could all sleep in the living room like they used to. This weekend they are going to the Daytona 500. "Someone" gave them tickets. :0)

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