Friday, February 26, 2016

February 26, 2016


This morning I started packing boxes. Our closing date is March 15. We can start moving stuff now and start living there March 1. Tomorrow would have been a great moving day since we have no gig, but the boys are going to the mainland to go go-carting for Ed and Aaron's birthdays. Also, the Sprinter is still in the shop and the kids are taking the GMC. That leaves us with the little black beater car and that doesn't hold much. Doug said he would come help us some with his truck. I'm starting to get scared. So much stuff. Down-sizing again.

Anyways, I emptied the school bookshelves in the kitchen and did laundry all day. I folded and folded. The band went to Sloppy's and I stayed home and watched TJ's girls because Angelica wasn't feeling well. The girls were great and Callie helped me pick up in the boys room. I guess I put a small dent in the work. 

After the gig the boys played hockey. Ed made us waffles because no one wanted to eat leftover 15 bean soup from yesterday. They are getting tired of the old salad too. Next I had to help Tommy finish a report for a science experiment. We did one earlier today too.

Yesterday Kim came over and we made the cushions for the bench seat in the new kitchen. Kim cut the foam and helped me figure out the measurements. I'm so glad they are done. My "to do" list only gets longer, not shorter. I think I'm whining.

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