Monday, February 22, 2016

February 22, 2016


I went walking and then went with Ben, Emma, her mom, and aunt to Key West. On the way we stopped and showed them the new house. Then we went to the Crepery restaurant. The food was very good and we had a very enjoyable afternoon.

Charlie was sad that I wasn't home when he woke up. He missed me. Then Tom took him to swimming before I got back. Just before I got back Garrett had gotten up with a horrible back ache and was throwing up. When I got home he couldn't stand, sit, or lie down. Everything hurt too much and he could not stay still. He was also throwing up.  I had Ed call Dr. C because I didn't know what to do. The doctor's office here on Big pine was already closed. Dr. C said it sounded like kidney stones and to take him to the ER. 

Meanwhile, our company got ready to leave and left. I didn't have a car and Emma's mom had just come from Winn Dixie and had seen TJ, so I called TJ and he picked up Garrett and I. I was going to go get the GMC from TJ's house, or borrow Kurt's car, but TJ saw how much pain Garrett was in and he drove us. Tom was at swimming with Charlie and wanted us to meet him at Urgent Care instead of the ER. It was farther to go but we went. It took about 45 minutes to get there. He writhed in pain the whole way , on the floor, stretched out, curled up, crazy. His legs hurt too.

They gave him medicine to help him stop throwing up, then pain medication, and then did a CAT scan and sure enough, it was a kidney stone. 

They finally sent us home. We stopped at Publix at 8:30 PM for prescriptions and then went home. We shall see how tomorrow goes. 

This is the only bad picture I have from today. It's too bright.

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