Tuesday, February 9, 2016

February 7, 2016


Went to church and Kim came over. It was crazy at our house, so I snuck out to Winn Dixie. I hoped to make it a quick trip, but Tom went with me. We stopped at Wilhelmina so I could take a peek and see what was new. Tom did a few small jobs, then we ran into Kayak Bob and gabbed for a few. Then we finally made it to WD. I ran in for about 6 things and then saw Tom by the light bulbs. I checked out and went out to the car but Tom wasn't there. I called his cell phone and Ed answered. Tom had left it at home. So I had to go back in the store to find him. He was still at the light bulbs. 

I went home and started supper, pulled pork barbecue, baked sweet potatoes, salad, and brownies and ice cream. Bobby ce over for supper. 

The big kids all went to a Super Bowl party at Billie and Angie's. We watched it at home, but the beginning was kind of boring so I didn't watch much after that but sat out there and quilted. 

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