Monday, February 22, 2016

February 21, 2016


We went to church. Afterwards Kim dropped her boys off, and Tommy went to Boondocks to help watch TJ's kids there. TJ and Ang's band, The Family Band, played with Kim at the Habitat for Humanity benefit at Boondocks. I was the designated babysitter.

Things were crazy at first, but Garrett came home and helped, and before I knew both boys had fallen asleep. Kim picked them up and then I had a little free time. Then I went to Mikki's house to watch the race (they recorded it) and Tom went to church. He and Tommy came too after church. Dale ended up crashing about 3/4 of the way through. 

All the kids that went to Daytona didn't get home till 4 AM. What a long ride. 

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