Friday, February 5, 2016

February 4, 2016


I went walking with Kim, I think, I can't remember. I think I did. No, now I think I didn't. That was yesterday.

I went grocery shopping, first thing. I needed a lot, and there was no one to help me carry it upstairs, or so I thought. When I got home, the kids' friend, Marshall,  was there, and he helped me. Tommy had an online class so I couldn't ask him to help. 

We did school and I went over more math with Tommy. After Georgina picked up Charlie for swimming I went over to the house with Garrett. I was so surprised. John had the shower doors up. Ed had painted the laundry doors. The bathroom sinks, faucets, lights, and ceiling fans were delivered. Mikki came over too, to see everything. 

I almost forgot, some decorative pieces came for the stairs. The stairs still have to be pressure washed and stained. They are going to be turquoise. We took a pic of one propped up just to get a taste of what they will look like. 

I came home and folded laundry for hours, until John texted and said he and Bobby were waiting for us to meet them for pizza. We were late. Tom and Ed went to look at a car a few streets away. Ben cut Alex's hair and then the big kids had youth group at the park. They played ultimate frisbee. 

Tom finally showed up and we ate pizza with Bob and John. We came home and I put all that laundry away and went to bed.

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