Wednesday, February 24, 2016

February 23, 2016


I made myself go walking. We did school and I practiced fiddle with Charlie. I took Tom's oatmeal over to Wilhelmina so he could have breakfast, then picked up Ben, Kurt, and Alex amd took them to Wilhelmina, and then I went back home. Georgina picked Charlie up for swimming and I went over two math lessons with Tommy. 

The band went to Schooner Wharf. At about 6 o'clock I started supper and did dishes. I made brown rice and a teriyaki stir-fry. Bobby came over for supper and then he, Tommy, amd I played Scrabble. I won. :0) Bobby stayed a little longer. I quilted and watched a movie on the computer. 

Here's a pic of the yard after Mikki and I got rid of the sugar cane. 

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