Tuesday, February 16, 2016

February 16, 2016


Kim and I went walking with the Stevie and Reed in the stroller. The boys went to skate at the rink but after 20 minutes it started to rain.  Kim dropped Charlie off at his fiddle lesson for me and then I met her over at Wilhelmina.

The ceiling fans and lights were up. Yay!! The electrical inspector was there and the house passed. The plumbing passed a few days ago. Alex was touching up on some paint jobs. Ben and Ed were putting closet shelves up, and poor Tom was mudding in the master bathroom. He strongly dislikes that job. 

From there I went to Winn Dixie for some groceries and lunch for the guys. It was a madhouse. There was actually a traffic jam of carts waiting to be checked out. I knew it wasn't the best time to go but that was when I could fit it in. Next, I picked up Charlie from his lesson and we went back to Wilhelmina and ate lunch with the guys. They only get to eat lunch about once a week when I bring it. 

Charlie and I came home and I put groceries away. We did a little schoolwork and then Georgina came to pick up Charlie for swimming. I am so thankful that she takes Charlie. I tried to clean up the entryway. I washed the bedding in the guest room and then cleaned one of the blinds in the kitchen. That ranks right up there with folding laundry. I can't stand it. I did the dishes and made brownie batter for Ed's birthday.

I left the unbaked batter on the counter and drove to pick up Charlie from Hannah's dance lesson. We went back to the grocery store for a few things I needed for supper and Ed's birthday celebration.

I made blackbean soup and a salad. I baked the brownies and melted marshmellows on top. Ed loves marshmellows. The boys played hockey and then we ate and sang "Happy Birthday" to Ed. I did dishes again and was tired of being on my feet. 

(The pic of Garrett, I call that his "Medussa" hair).

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