Wednesday, February 17, 2016

February 17, 2016


I exercised. The boys went to work on the house. I practiced fiddle with Charlie and then we did school till about 2 o'clock, when Tom called and wanted me to bring a sun umbrella to Wilhelmina. Then Ed texted and wanted me to bring lunch. So Charlie and I stopped at Winn Dixie and bought lunch. 

When I got there a few boys were painting the railing. I think Tom was working on door knobs. We ate with them and then went home.

I tried to do some more school but Charlie was pretty uncooperative. The band went to Sunset Pier. TJ dropped off the girls. They had a gig at Blue Heaven. Fifteen minutes later Kim dropped off her boys. Tommy went with her to worship practice. Kim was back in an hour. Garrett and Charlie were here to help me so it didn't go too bad. 

I fed the girls supper and we walked to church. I used Kim's stroller. It was easier than buckling car seats and probably took the same amount of time. We just had to walk home in the dark. I'm not crazy about that but Tommy walked home with us and we had flashlights.

Both girls fell asleep and I went over two math lessons with Tommy. Tj picked up the girls. Then I paid a few bills and went into depression. I don't like being bookkeeper. Oh well. 

I feel like I should be packing, or going thru stuff, getting ready for our move, but everyday there is no time. I need to stop thinking about it. 

Here's a pic of Ben hard at work today. Actually, he just ate lunch and I guess he needed a cat nap. 

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