Wednesday, August 13, 2014

August 13, 2014


I got up at 7 again. Devos, then walked at 8. I am running for 3 minutes in the middle. I will go back to my old routine of raising it 30 seconds each week. It's a big deal for me. I am not a runner.

I showered and dragged kids out of bed. Garrett made us start school 35 minutes late. We did school from 10:30-5:30. That's when Garrett and Tommy had to leave to work at church. 

Ed ran to the store for me and bought almond milk and peanut butter. I made supper for Charlie, Ed, and I, the only ones home. Then we went to Bible study at church.

I had planned to go grocery shopping after church but didn't go. TJ stopped in for a haircut from Ben so Ang and the kids were over too. Forget grocery shopping. :0) I'll try to go tomorrow after school, while the kids are at youth group maybe.

Tommy finished his math and we corrected it. Nobody did chores today. I loaded the dishwasher  but never had time to do the rest of the dishes. The boys have to do chores tomorrow before they leave.

I read for a few minutes and went to bed.

Summer in paradise. It's hot!!  

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