Saturday, August 9, 2014

August 8, 2014


I woke to a text from Charlie asking if he needed to be home for anything. Yes, he did. Bobby must have been running a little late because he didn't bring Charlie home like he normally does. So I got up, grabbed Charlie's fiddle stuff, and picked him up. I dropped him off at his fiddle lesson. Georgina said she'd bring him home. When I got home Kim said she was going to the studio so I went over too. I wove 3 more feet. Tom brought Charlie over towards the end.

I went home and made a late lunch/early supper. The boys got ready to leave for their gig in Marathon at Tarpon Creek. I was getting ready too, but then Tom said I didn't have to go. He took the little boys so they could swim. I was home alone, kind of. Nina stayed home too because she was sick.

I sold two baby dresses this afternoon. That encouraged me to start making some more. I cut out a dress for Violet and started embroidering it. I couldn't find the pattern I usually use, so I ordered another one.

I took a break and went to Winn Dixie for some supper food. I enjoyed my evening.

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