Monday, August 4, 2014

August 3, 2014


I set my alarm to get up at 7:30 am to make sure Garrett and Tommy got up to work at church before 8. Tommy was pokey and I had to drive him to church. Normally he rides his bike. 

Went to church at 11. Nina's band played at Sunset Pier. It was a cloudy, gray, thunderstorm day. Ida and Byron invited us, TJ and Ang, and another mom with 3 little kids, to come over for pizza and swimming, so we did. I didn't swim, but everyone else did. I stayed inside in the AC. 

At 2:30 I had to leave to take Garrett to Sea Camp. We had to stop at CVS to buy him deodorant. I know he is going to have a great time at camp. It's a great camp. Then I went back to Ida's. We stayed until it was time to go to church. 

Tom and I went to church, then afterwards I dropped him off at the park to join the others for hockey and I went home. I was gone all day, it was 8 PM, and I had no plans for supper, so I didn't make anything. But at 9 they all came back from the park. Rob brought some food, so I made a salad and pulled out a bag of grapes.

There was a huge thunderstorm and it poured cats and dogs. During the downpour, about 10 PM. Ed, Nina, and a few other big kids decided to go to Winn Dixie for pasta and spaghetti sauce ingredients. Then they stayed up even later watching something on the projector. I went to bed about 1 am.

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