Friday, August 29, 2014

August 29, 2014


I almost didn't walk, but then I went. I woke up Tommy and Garrett at 9, that's the new routine, and we started school at 10. Did that till 4. Practiced with Charlie again. 

I thought I was going to stay home during tonight's gig at Tarpon Creek in Marathon, but Tom wanted me to go. I'm glad I went. It was beautiful out tonight, breezy and comfy. I wish I could sleep outside in a hammock tonight.

I watched Charlie swim while the band played. I did some hand sewing too. I had a good, relaxing evening. 

Here's a pic of Kurt breaking down after the gig.  

(On the way home from the gig we stopped for gas and there was a cockroach in the van. A few of us jumped out and Tom got it out. The guy in the car next to us must have thought we were wacky. I'm mad that no one put a bomb off in the van. I bought them. Grrrr!!!)

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