Friday, August 22, 2014

August 22, 2014


It poured this morning. I wished it would pour all day, but it didn't last 15 minutes and it was gone. Going to bed an hour earlier didn't make it any easier for Garrett and Tommy to get out of bed.  I outlined a chapter of history while waiting for them. I also made peaches and cream oatmeal again. I even like it, which is impressive because I  don't really like oatmeal.  I put blueberries in it too. 

I want to homeschool, but today was a lousy homeschooling day, even though we got a lot done. Garrett and Tommy were bickering and could not keep their mouths shut. I think I was interrupted every 30 seconds by one of the kids or Tom. And Garrett's Grammar text (he is enrolled in a school and I send all his tests in for grading), the textbook is horrible, so boring. Luckily, it's just half the year.  We did school till we left for Sloppy's at 3:30.

 The gig went fine. A man gave me his card, Willie J. Clarke. It wasn't actually him who gave me the card. I'm assuming the man worked for or with him.  I googled him. Pretty interesting story.  A movie was made about him. I think NPR bought it, and it was supposed to be out in the spring of 2014.

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