Monday, August 18, 2014

August 16, 2014


We did school today to make up for Tuesday. The boys were kind of grumpy about it but I want next summer off. I want a vacation!!

Angelica and the kids stopped by for a couple hours. Her sewing machine was acting up and she needed to finish making a birthday present.  They were going to a birthday party across the street from our house.

All the big kids were gone at a gig, Sunset Pier. It was hot, heat index of 104. Then they went to Schooner Wharf for their second gig. Doubles are hard, especially in the heat. Tom said it poured, but not long, and at the end of the night it was packed. The manager asked them to play longer so they did. 

At home I had the boys do dishes and pick up the living room. Charlie went to Shannon's to sleep over. I went to Winn Dixie and bought frozen pizzas and chocolate cake for supper. After we ate I folded four loads of wash, cleaned my bathroom, straightened up my closet that was starting to get cluttered, and swept. That left me about 5 minutes to embroider before going to bed at 1 AM.

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