Monday, August 25, 2014

August 24, 2014


Went to church. The kids led worship with Kim and Doug. After church Tom and TJ took the kids swimming at Ida's. Angelica came over and we stayed in the AC and sewed. I worked on Violet's dress and Ang quilted. 

The time went too fast. The kids came back. Tom and I went to church. After church he met the older boys at the rink and I went grocery shopping, just for Sunday night supper. 

I came home and made stuffed shells,
a salad, and cut up 2 watermelons. We ate about 10 PM, not the best time to eat, but I didn't have much of a choice. I put the leftovers away and left the dirty dishes for the morning. There were no volunteers. I'm tired of making everyone help. 

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