Wednesday, August 27, 2014

August 27, 2014


I set my alarm for 7 and went walking. I told Garrett he couldn't go to the park today if he wasn't at school on time, so he was finally on time. I told Tommy that if he wasn't on time he could miss gym class. He made it to school on time too.

I finished making some vegan cheese. It's been in the making for a week atleast. I'm hopeful that it tastes good.

We started school at 10 and did it till 5. Garrett took his first history test and got a 90! Yes!! I've been working him hard. :0)

Joe folded laundry today, good thing too. It's really backed up. No time for anything till school falls into a routine and the boys quit wasting time. This is our third week.

So, I moved the laundry along, then rested for 15 minutes. Then it was time to go to church for supper and Bible study. After that I came home and did the dishes. I spent a half hour or so reading the next chapter of history. I made some outlines on the first chapter that were extremely helpful. I plan to do it on the next one too.

Bobby stopped by for a few minutes. I read "Little House in the Big Woods" to Charlie and Tommy. Then we went to bed. Joe was the only big kids home. The rest were still at church, practicing or setting up for youth group tomorrow is my guess. 

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