Friday, August 15, 2014

August 15, 2014


It was so hard to get up today, but I did it. I went for my walk too. The kitchen was a mess, but when I got back from my walk Garrett was loading the dishwasher.

We started school a few minutes after 10, and the day went better. It's a lot of work. Hopefully we will fall into a routine and the boys will get the hang of it. 

At 4:30 we left for Schooner Wharf. I  outlined a chapter of the boys' grammer book during the drive, to help them study. Bob, Shannon, and Aylsa met us there. That was enjoyable because we don't hang out with them a lot. It was hot, but comfortable after 9. It's our longest gig, 5 hours, so everyone was tired by the end. Joe started feeling sick towards the end. He laid down for a few minutes in the van. Nina has been sick for 10 days. She's getting better now but has a cough. 

It takes us almost an hour to drive home from Key West. That puts us home a little after 2 AM. The kids have a double tomorrow.

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