Tuesday, September 30, 2014

September 30, 2014


Tom woke me up because he couldn't find his car keys. :0( He and Garrett had an early appointment at the dentist. I tried going back to sleep but it didn't work. So I got up and went through my morning routine. I went walking. 

I made oatmeal for Ed and I. He made some drinks with the juicer. Nina took Charlie and Ariel to their fiddle lessons. I went over a math lesson with Tommy and he did his Great Books class. 

After Garrett came home from the dentist we went to PE class in Marathon. Ariel went with us today. When it was over we hurried home to get back to our schoolwork, but when we got home everyone was hungry. They made tuna fish sandwiches and I made some spaghetti. I ate leftover millet with mushroom gravy and a piece of toast with jelly. Not the best lunch. The day is just better with a yummy lunch.

 Now it was 4:30. The big kids went to vocal lessons in Key West. I had Garrett and Tommy do their math and I rested in my room. About 6 I finally decided what to make for supper. I got a few things ready, then went to Winn Dixie for more food. Charlie and I bought some donuts. I never buy donuts so it was a treat. We ate them in the car, then went home. 

The boys were getting ready for hockey when we got home. Rob helped bring groceries up. I started supper. I made vegan lasagna. The cheese part was actually tofu mixed with spices and lemon juice. Before I went shopping I made a sausage crumble out of textured vegetable protein and spices, to resemble Italian sausage, one of my favorite things. Thank you John & Mary's (WNY). I wasn't sure the lasagna would taste good, but it was a hit. There was only one piece left. We also had watermelon and a salad. It might have been the last watermelon of the year. 

I had Garrett clean up the kitchen. Oh, speaking of Garrett, he never did his math yesterday, did a lousy job mowing, and when we got home at 11 o'clock last night the kitchen was a mess and so was the living room. So Garrett will now be going with us to the Monday night gig at Sloppy's. 

Monday, September 29, 2014

September 28, 2014


We went to church. Nina's band went to Sunset Pier. After church Kim and Angelica and all the grand kids came over. We had a nice time. It reminded me of the days when Tom and I used to take our kids to my mom's or his mom's on a Sunday afternoon. It made me happy and sad. Happy that we got to hang out, but sad that there is no space. Both my mom and Tom's mom had play rooms, seperate kitchen and living rooms, a family room, and a dining room. Lots of room for the kids and adults to spread out. At my  house we were all crammed in our living room/kitchen. I'm afraid it wasn't very relaxing for Angelica. She got a bad headache and TJ had to take her home. 

The kids stayed. Charlie fought with Jake a lot. Charlie plays horrible. I went outside and sat on the hammock chair to get away from Charlie. Tom and Joe and Ed watched football.

At 5 o'clock I went to Winn Dixie for groceries. I spent $156 on produce. That's all I bought. Hurried home and made it to church at 6 with Tom. Ed had to put the groceries away. 

After church Tom went to the rink for hockey and I started supper. I cut up the usual two watermelons and made a green salad. I made another salad with millet, beans, green onion, celery, tamatoes, and parsley. It was ok. 

Garrett and Tommy took care of the dishes. I'm not ready for the week ahead. School. I'm just not psyched. Tired describes me. Tomorrow is week 8 of school. We've been steady and working hard, but we are a week behind. I scheduled to take a week off after the 9th week. I want to go vedge at the beach.

September 29, 2014


I went walking today. It started raining when I was about half way thru. It was ok because there  was no lightning or thunder. Garrett and Tommy had a hard time getting up again so we didn't start school till 11. We did it till 3:15. 

I made and packed myself a lunch. It was my first ride to work in the new van. We hadn't even left Big Pine and Ben realized there was equipment left in Nina's van, so we had to turn around and get it. Tom gets really upset when the boys do stuff like that. We were already 15 minutes late, but Tom got us there on time.

The night at Sloppy's went fast. I took the little kids to Duetto's. Ian sang his new song, and Jake wowed the crowd. He even waved to the audience while playing his guitar behind his head.

After the show I had my first veggie burger from Burger-fi. It was lush!!. 

I left Garrett with a to-do list while we were at work. How well do you think he did?

Saturday, September 27, 2014

September 27, 2014


I went walking this morning. The band went to Sunset Pier and Tommy went too. I went over an algebra lesson with Garrett and then we did the next lesson. I did an Omnibus lesson too. Tommy and I are reading The Odyssey.

Garrett took a history test and I did some
school organizing. I made Pad Thai for lunch, with just veggies, no noodles.  Then Tommy, Charlie, and I headed to meet the band at Schooner Wharf. When we got out to US 1 a little gecko was on my driver's side mirror, holding on for dear life. I pulled into Walgreens so we could get him off safely. 

Schooner was fun. I did embroidery till it was dark, then read a little history. I left with TJ just after 10 o'clock, but Tommy and Charlie stayed. They were having fun playing with Ian and Ariel. 

Got home and went straight to bed. So tired.

Friday, September 26, 2014

September 25, 2014


I went walking this morning. We had an unusual day. Didn't get much school done. Tom and Tommy went to the dentist. I made frosting and frosted Callie's cupcakes. Then I took Charlie, Garrett, Ian, and Ariel to buy a few last inure things for Callie's party. When we got home we wrapped presents, packed it up, and took it all to the church. 

Rob and Anastasia brought Tommy with them so he wouldn't miss the party. Tom came shortly after. The party was fun. Even Bobby came. I should have gotten a pic of everyone. 

Tom and I came home. Charlie went to Shannon's. All the other kids stayed at the church getting ready for youth group. Tom went back over to church to chaperone. I did laundry and went thru 4 bins in my closet and got them down to 3. They have fabric for quilting. 

I made sweet potato black bean tacos for supper. I am tired of making and dealing with food right now. I need a giant steamer for vegetables. Does anyone make something like that? Just making frozen vegetables for us takes a few turns in the microwave, and by then the first batch is cold. I miss my Missouri kitchen. Our kitchen here doesn't even fit a table for us to sit at. Our living room furniture should fall apart in about 2 years. When it does I'll replace it with a kitchen table and forget the living room. 

Garrett and Tommy did dishes again. I read to Tommy and Charlie. We've got to get to bed earlier. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

September 24, 2014


I went walking this morning. Tom, Ed, Nina, Ben, Kurt, Ian, Ariel, and Charlie went to the mainland, up around Fort Pierce somewhere, to trade in our white 15 passenger for a a new/used van. Then they were going to a hockey game in the evening. It was about a 6 hour drive up there. 

Garrett and I went to Salvation Army. We bought a few books. When we came out there was iguana poop all over our windshield and the hood of the car. Disgusting!! :0( we went home and Garrett sprayed it off with the hose. 

We did school. It was ok. I like our art and music and we didn't get to it today, but we are doing good. We quit at 5. Garrett and Tommy went to Coco's for Cuban Mixes, their favorite. Joe and I went to No name Pub. Then we all met up at church. 

After church I came home, outlined another section of Garrett's history, and then made cupcakes for Callie's birthday. I made a double batch. While they were cooking I washed and washed and washed dishes. No one did them last night. Ugh!!! Joe did bookkeeping. I'm really behind. What else is new, right?

Then, the cupcakes flopped. :0( They were from scratch. I had two cake mixes in the pantry so I pulled them out and started over. It was 11 by now. Jonathan had come over after church and wasn't feeling good. He slept a little on the couch and woke up sick. He threw up. I didn't want him riding his bike home (about 6 miles) at midnight feeling like he was so I put Garrett in charge of cupcakes and I took him home.

Got home, finished up the cupcakes and a few more dishes. Living room is trashed, but I'm done. Nighty night. 

September 23, 2014


It rained ALL day and was dreary gray. I was going to get back to walking today but exercised in Nina's room instead. Charlie had a fiddle lesson and his teacher had an open spot after him so I took a lesson too. Gym class was cancelled because of the rain, so we did school till around 5 o'clock. Ben, Joe, and Tommy had dentist appointments. All the big kids need their wisdom teeth pulled. :0(

I went to Winn Dixie and the boys went to play hockey. We had watermelon, taco salad, and asparagus for supper. Tom and the boys were mad at Joe because he hung out with Rita instead of playing hockey. I was so tired during supper I lost my appetite. (Supper was at 9:30).

Tom is buying a new, slightly used van tomorrow.

Monday, September 22, 2014

September 22, 2014


Tom and I went kayaking with a group this morning. I almost backed out for a few reasons: a school day, the sore on my leg, and 50% chance of thunderstorms, but we went. Tom and a few others saw a waterspout  when we got to the launch spot. :0) I didn't because trees were in my way. We went thru some mangroves. It was so quiet. Sometimes we had to lay down on the kayak to get under branches. After we got out there was quite a bit of thunder and lightning in the distance, so we hung out in the mangroves for a while. Then the sun came out and we paddled around.

When we got home I had about two hours before we had to go to work. I showered and tried to correct Garrett's math. Then we were off to Sloppy Joes. 

Charlie fought with Tommy and Jake the whole first set. I thought the music was too loud. I was very happy to walk to Duetto's during the first break for gelato for the kids, affagato and focaccia for me. 

The rest of the night was uneventful, which is a good thing. :0) Lots of lightning in the sky while driving home.

September 21, 2014


Went to church. Afterwards, Kim, Stevie, Tommy, Charlie, Ian, Ariel, Tom, and I went to Ida's to go swimming. The pool water was a little cooler from all the rain. It was super nice. 

Tom and Ed left to meet the rest of the band at a gig in Key West. After they were set up Tom came home at met me at church. Went home afterwards. It was a quiet evening with no hockey. No supper either with all of us scrounging for food before bed. 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

September 20, 2014


Callie woke up during the night and Tom brought her in bed with us. She didn't bother me at all but Tom said she kicked him all night so he moved to the crib mattress on the floor. :0) Tommy's friend, Cameron, spent the night, and Ian and Ariel too.

The band left for their gig at 11 AM. TJ and Angelica dropped Jake off. They took Violet with them for a day on the mainland, shopping and then to see Chip Ingram in the evening. 

I fed kids, did embroidery, changed diapers, watered plants, made more food, did dishes, and cleaned. Jake and Callie loved playing with Ariel. They were all in pretend playland mode. Ian broke up a bunch of styrofoam in the boys room. I had him clean up what he could and I swept. I told him to never, ever do that again. 

The band got back sometime after six o'clock and I took Charlie to Kim's to play with Stevie so Kim and I could weave.  Garrett worked at church. Nina watched the other kids for me. The big kids went to the park for hockey. 

When Charlie and I left Kim's we stopped at Winn Dixie. Got home. I Chopped up two watermelons. Luckily I had leftover salad, and I made coconut blackbeans and rice. Everybody ate. Tommy put dishes away and Garrett washed. I put leftovers away. It was late when TJ and Ang got there to pick up the kids, but they were still awake. 

Saturday, September 20, 2014

September 19, 2014


We started school 2 hours late. Garrett couldn't get up. I used the time to outliine Garrett's history.  It makes it way easier to teach. I guess we got a half day in. Garrett wanted to make chocolate chip cookies for the homeschool talent show tonight, so I sent Ed to Winn Dixie for sugar, chocolate chips, and eggs. Garrett made a double batch while I read aloud.

We had two gigs. TJ, Ang, and Nina played at Hogfish. When it was time for them to go, TJ's truck wouldn't start. Dead battery. I was to watch Jake and Callie, so I went to pick them up. Tom watched Violet at the Hogfish, so he also drove over to TJ's and picked up TJ, Ang, and Violet. Before we left though, Tom was super upset with Kurt, who wasn't home from Key West yet, and the band was ready to go to their gig at Mangrove Mama's. The whole thing was stressful.

Anyways, I brought Jake and Callie to our house and it was time to go over to the church for the homeschool talent show. We picked up Tommy and the cookies. Garrett rode his skateboard over.

It was a fun night, once the kinks got straightened out. Jake and Callie were very good. Afterwards we ate a few treats, then went home.  I ordered two pizzas and picked them up. No time or energy to make supper. 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

September 18, 2014


I haven't been setting my alarm since my leg got hurt. Just sleeping till I wake up. I hope that I can start walking again on Monday. Tom left early this morning to go look at an RV in Okeechobee, then to visit his friend John and spend the night.

We did school from 10:30 till 5:00. We made our own "Starry Starry night" pictures like Van Gogh. The big kids went to church to set up for youth group and to practice. Tommy had a guitar lesson today with Doug. Mel picked up Tommy and Charlie for an evening  at their house. 

I went to Kim's to weave. On the way I stopped and bought us subs for supper. They were yummy. Then we worked. We got one wrap wound onto the back beam and I worked on threading another. 

I came back home and took a bath, then cleaned my bathroom. I picked up Tommy and Charlie. They got ready for bed and we read "Little House in the Big Woods" before we went to bed.

Monday, September 15, 2014

September 15, 2014


We started school at 10. It's going pretty well  with Tommy and Garrett, but hard to get everything done with Charlie on days that we have gigs, and Tuesdays with gym class.  So we did school till 3 when I had to make and pack my lunch. I made curry chickpea salad with a green salad and watermelon.

Everyone enjoys the the drive to gigs. We all get to vedge.

Nina's little brother, Ian, sang a new song tonight. He was great. River, Tiger, and Aaron sang too. Our corner next to the stage was crazy by the end of the show. The little kids were ready to run. 

September 14, 2014


After church Kim and Stevie, and Angelica and kids came over. TJ came later. He played drums for the Spanish service. We ate lunch, relaxed , and the boys watched some football. Nina's gig was cancelled due to rain. It was a very rare Sunday that we were all home. I was able to work on my embroidery.

The band went to their gig at Schooner Wharf. Charlie went too. I didn't go because I thought it was going to rain all night, and my leg bothered me a little all day. I went to church in the evening, then had a relaxing night at home with just Tommy. 

I've got to watch my attitude. There's so much work piling up and it's making me grumpy. 

The wind blew one of my plants over and it broke my favorite Royal Poinciana tree. :0(

Saturday, September 13, 2014

September 13, 2014


I went walking this morning, but just before I got to the park I was hit from behind by a little boy on a bike. The tire just ripped my skin.  I walked a little further, then looked down at my leg. Yokes! It was really gross. I went home. Showered and cleaned it out as best I could. I don't know how anyone can be a doctor. So glad they are though. 

Anyway, it was another bad day. Gray skies and it rained a lot. My leg bothered me. I watched Jake and Callie. They were good but Tommy and Charlie were not. I was mad at Garrett on and off all day for his laziness. I made him clean the hallway bathroom, and actually clean it. When the kids do it they never clean behind the toilet, or wash the floor, or scrub the tub and shower walls. I made him do it all. 

Tommy spent his time arguing and not listening. He used to be the sweetest, kindest boy. Not anymore. :0(

I made chili in the crockpot and cornbread. 

The band went to Sunset Pier for their first gig. When they got home I went to Kim's and threaded heddles. Alice bandaged up my leg. :0) Kim came over to eat supper with me. Tommy played with Stevie. Then Kim soaked in my bathtub (she doesn't have one). TJ picked up Tommy and I and we went to the Hurricane.

When I got home I took a bath to soak my leg so the bandage would come off. I put on more Neosporin and a new bandage. I took a pic of my leg but don't think it's appropriate to share. 

September 12, 2014


It poured for quite a while this morning. No walking today. I hoped to exercise but never had time.

School was hard. Garrett and Tommy drag their feet, wasting time. Tommy has a bad attitude with his school work, and he is very lazy. Garrett's attitude is ok, but he is late and wastes time.

Chores are not being done. 

It's a mess here. 

The band went to their gig at the Hurricane. 

I took Ariel and Charlie to the movie night at church. Afterwards we ate frozen pizzas and then brownies with ice cream. I did some embroidery and laundry.  I stayed up late doing dishes.

While making Tommy's bed a cockroach fell out of the blanket as I was trying to put it on bed. :0( I hate them. :0( There was one the night before in my bathroom drawer where my toothbrush is. Makes me want to move way north. No roaches in Springville! Or Ozark.

Friday, September 12, 2014

September 11, 2014


We did school all day, till Garrett and Tommy left for youth group. It was a long, tiring day. After they left I made supper, Pad Thai. I watched Jake and Callie during youth group. They were very good. When the boys came back they finished their math. I went to bed at 10 and then Garrett and Tommy did the dishes.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

September 10, 2014


I did not walk today. I had to get 3 boys up and ready for our homeschool field trip to Jacob's Aqauatic Park. I packed a cooler and ate oatmeal. TJ and family rode with us. Unfortunately, it started pouring while we were driving there. It's a two hour drive. We were hopeful, but the whole group ended up at the Key Largo library instead. It rained and rained and rained. 

When we got home we had about an hour and a half to change gears and get ready for our gig at Schooner Wharf. The big kids had meetings and practiced during the day. I finished up my last two cheeses and got them in the fridge. Then it was time to leave for Schooner Wharf.

When we arrived Charlie and I took a walk to Kilwin's. :0) I tried doing embroidery but it got dark too quick. There were red lights above our table and I couldn't see the colors of my thread, so I was bored for a while. Then our friends Gale and Kelly showed up and the rest of the evening was better. 

In the rainy picture there is a park bench flooded. That was at the aquatic park. :0(

September 9, 2014


I went walking and tried to get school started at 10, but Garrett was late, and Kurt was ranting about a box he needed. He left it laying around, and now needed it to return some headphones to get repaired. The headphones were in the box and worth a few hundred dollars. Of course he acted like it was my fault he couldn't find them. Did I mention that the dishes were never done from Monday? Add all these things up and you get one frustrated homeschool mom. 

I was able to start school an hour late, but knew we couldn't get much done, since we had to leave for our first gym class of the year at 1 PM. We made it through literature and science and it was time to leave.

Angelica came over with the kids and rode with us to PE, so did Shannon. There were so many homeschoolers there. It was great, but hot. Still summertime in the Keys. I had hoped to get back to our schoolwork when we got home but it was too crazy. I attacked the mountain of dishes.

The boys went to the park for roller hockey. I went to Winn Dixie for food. Charlie went with me. When we got he we carried up bags and I cut watermelon and made the salad. I cheated tonight and bought subs. The boys came back early from hockey. It started to rain while they were playing. 

We ate. I did dishes again and went to bed, late. :0(

Monday, September 8, 2014

September 8, 2014


I woke up to my alarm at 7 and went walking. I showered and then made banana blueberry muffins. I tried waking up Tommy and Garrett three times for school, but they couldn't get up. They got home at 3:30 AM from Orlando. 

So I changed gears and pulled out my sewing machine. I did some alterations on 2 pairs of jeans for Rob. Then I worked on some more vegan cheese recipes. Some are made from cashews and others with my coconut milk yogurt, and this other stuff, rejuvelac, that I made from wheat berries. One will be sharp cheddar, another will be meltable mozzarella, and another will be a soft cheese with garlic, sun-dried tomatoes, and fresh basil. 

Ed and Garrett woke up on their own, but I had to wake everyone else up at 2:45 PM so we could leave for Sloppy Joe's at 3:30. A minute after Joe was awake he realized he needed someone to take him to pick up his bass from Dean's house where it was getting repaired. I was trying to make and pack my lunch, but had to take Joe. Since it was close to TJ's house, we picked up TJ on our way home. We all ride together to most gigs.

It was crazy when we got back to our house. They weren't ready and we were 25 minutes late leaving. Kurt forgot his headphones. After we were setting up at Sloppy's, Ed couldn't find his mandolin. He left it at the studio.  He was mad. 

I called Bobby, and he went and got the mandolin and brought it to Key West. Ed played his electric mandolin for half the show, till Bob got there. I took Bob and Shannon over to Duetto's and fed them supper and gave him gas money as a thank you. He was a tremendous help. 

Sunday, September 7, 2014

September 7, 2014


Our third day with no kids. It's been and not as messy. :0)

Tom and I went to church. Then Tom, Kim. Stevie, and I went to see a friend's new house. We stayed about 1 1/2 hours, then came home. I made lunch. We changed into our swimsuits and picked up Jake and Callie and took them swimming at Ida's house. 

We swam for about 2 hours. Some other friends were there too, so Jake and Callie had kids to play with. When we were done swimming we took the kids home and went home to change. Tom and I went to church again, then home. Tom met Rob at the park to skate.  I cut up half a watermelon, made a salad, and some quinoa with vegetables. We ate and visited. I cleaned up the kitchen a little and went to bed. 

The kids should be home around 3 AM. I hope I'm in a deep sleep and don't wake up. My alarm is set for 7.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

September 6, 2014

Friday & Saturday

The kids left yesterday morning for Orlando. They have the whole weekend off. They went to "Night of Joy" last night and "Rock the Universe" tonight. 

Tom worked at church yesterday. And me? I did laundry and dishes, organized some embroidery stuff, and watched Jake and Callie for a few hours. I took them over to Ida's and we went swimming. Tom was supposed to meet us there but had too much work to do at church. He got there when we were done swimming.

Later in the evening Tom and I went to Boondock's for supper.  Had a nice evening.

Saturday morning I went to Kim's studio and threaded heddles for a few hours. I went home, picked up in my room, made coconut milk yogurt, and cut out a new baby dress.

Tom worked at church all day, painting and putting up baseboard. When he came  home we went to Winn Dixie and picked up some dessert.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

September 3, 2014


We were up too late last night and I couldn't get up in time to go walking. I went with Joe to drop off his stand- up bass to get worked on, then started school. We did school till almost one o'clock, then headed over to the church for Stevie's first birthday party. The kids had a blast. There was food!! That was awesome!! Thanks to everyone who made that happen. I made a romper for him and Tom and the boys got him a Panthers' jersey. 

When we came home we did about two more hours of school, then went to church for supper and bible study. Tom and I ended up missing the Bible study. The boys had gone to Key West to do a live radio show/interview. It started at 7 so Tom and I listened. It was really fun, the boys personalities showed through, and we learned some things about some songs that we didn't know. The hosts were awesome! A great job by all. I smiled the whole hour. 

I had Jake and Callie with me so I took them to our house. When the band got home from the radio show TJ took them back to his house. Then we watched a Donner Party documentary. This morning we finished our second book about the so I wanted to watch it. Stayed up too late though. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

September 2, 2014


I walked and did school. TJ and family came over. Ang started the cake and I ran to Winn Dixie for a few things. I came home, made the salad, cut up some watermelon, and made Buffalo Cauliflower. 

Kim and Doug came over. Rob got here just in time to help decorate the cake. We sang Happy Birthday to TJ and Bobby, then the boys and kids all went to hockey. They came home, ate supper and cake, and then we had a jam. That's what TJ requested for his birthday. Jake played mandolin. Charlie played a few fiddle songs, and Angelica too. I played a little guitar too. 

Monday, September 1, 2014

September 1, 2014


I got up and went walking. I finished sewing on a project. I tried to take pics but I have too many pics on my phone and it wouldn't take any more. I'll fix it and take them tomorrow. We watched Jake, Callie, and Violet while Angelica went grocery shopping. 

We did school till 3, then I packed my salad and we took off for Sloppy Joes. I worked on my embroidery while sitting at the CD table. The night went fast for me. It was a good, ordinary day. :0)

Charlie tonight. He looks like TJ. 

August 31, 2014


Went to church. Kim, Stevie, Ang, and kids came over afterwards. We ate lunch and hung out. I sewed and played a little banjo. 

After everyone went home, we left for our gig at Schooner Wharf. It was a comfortable night. I embroidered till it got too dark. Then I sat and looked at Hawaiian quilts on my phone. I want to make one for my bed. I need to finish some other projects first though. 

I left with TJ during the first break and we went home. So tired at the end of the day.