Monday, September 29, 2014

September 29, 2014


I went walking today. It started raining when I was about half way thru. It was ok because there  was no lightning or thunder. Garrett and Tommy had a hard time getting up again so we didn't start school till 11. We did it till 3:15. 

I made and packed myself a lunch. It was my first ride to work in the new van. We hadn't even left Big Pine and Ben realized there was equipment left in Nina's van, so we had to turn around and get it. Tom gets really upset when the boys do stuff like that. We were already 15 minutes late, but Tom got us there on time.

The night at Sloppy's went fast. I took the little kids to Duetto's. Ian sang his new song, and Jake wowed the crowd. He even waved to the audience while playing his guitar behind his head.

After the show I had my first veggie burger from Burger-fi. It was lush!!. 

I left Garrett with a to-do list while we were at work. How well do you think he did?

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