Monday, September 15, 2014

September 14, 2014


After church Kim and Stevie, and Angelica and kids came over. TJ came later. He played drums for the Spanish service. We ate lunch, relaxed , and the boys watched some football. Nina's gig was cancelled due to rain. It was a very rare Sunday that we were all home. I was able to work on my embroidery.

The band went to their gig at Schooner Wharf. Charlie went too. I didn't go because I thought it was going to rain all night, and my leg bothered me a little all day. I went to church in the evening, then had a relaxing night at home with just Tommy. 

I've got to watch my attitude. There's so much work piling up and it's making me grumpy. 

The wind blew one of my plants over and it broke my favorite Royal Poinciana tree. :0(

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