Saturday, September 6, 2014

September 6, 2014

Friday & Saturday

The kids left yesterday morning for Orlando. They have the whole weekend off. They went to "Night of Joy" last night and "Rock the Universe" tonight. 

Tom worked at church yesterday. And me? I did laundry and dishes, organized some embroidery stuff, and watched Jake and Callie for a few hours. I took them over to Ida's and we went swimming. Tom was supposed to meet us there but had too much work to do at church. He got there when we were done swimming.

Later in the evening Tom and I went to Boondock's for supper.  Had a nice evening.

Saturday morning I went to Kim's studio and threaded heddles for a few hours. I went home, picked up in my room, made coconut milk yogurt, and cut out a new baby dress.

Tom worked at church all day, painting and putting up baseboard. When he came  home we went to Winn Dixie and picked up some dessert.

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