Wednesday, September 24, 2014

September 23, 2014


It rained ALL day and was dreary gray. I was going to get back to walking today but exercised in Nina's room instead. Charlie had a fiddle lesson and his teacher had an open spot after him so I took a lesson too. Gym class was cancelled because of the rain, so we did school till around 5 o'clock. Ben, Joe, and Tommy had dentist appointments. All the big kids need their wisdom teeth pulled. :0(

I went to Winn Dixie and the boys went to play hockey. We had watermelon, taco salad, and asparagus for supper. Tom and the boys were mad at Joe because he hung out with Rita instead of playing hockey. I was so tired during supper I lost my appetite. (Supper was at 9:30).

Tom is buying a new, slightly used van tomorrow.

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