Saturday, September 27, 2014

September 27, 2014


I went walking this morning. The band went to Sunset Pier and Tommy went too. I went over an algebra lesson with Garrett and then we did the next lesson. I did an Omnibus lesson too. Tommy and I are reading The Odyssey.

Garrett took a history test and I did some
school organizing. I made Pad Thai for lunch, with just veggies, no noodles.  Then Tommy, Charlie, and I headed to meet the band at Schooner Wharf. When we got out to US 1 a little gecko was on my driver's side mirror, holding on for dear life. I pulled into Walgreens so we could get him off safely. 

Schooner was fun. I did embroidery till it was dark, then read a little history. I left with TJ just after 10 o'clock, but Tommy and Charlie stayed. They were having fun playing with Ian and Ariel. 

Got home and went straight to bed. So tired.

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