Monday, September 29, 2014

September 28, 2014


We went to church. Nina's band went to Sunset Pier. After church Kim and Angelica and all the grand kids came over. We had a nice time. It reminded me of the days when Tom and I used to take our kids to my mom's or his mom's on a Sunday afternoon. It made me happy and sad. Happy that we got to hang out, but sad that there is no space. Both my mom and Tom's mom had play rooms, seperate kitchen and living rooms, a family room, and a dining room. Lots of room for the kids and adults to spread out. At my  house we were all crammed in our living room/kitchen. I'm afraid it wasn't very relaxing for Angelica. She got a bad headache and TJ had to take her home. 

The kids stayed. Charlie fought with Jake a lot. Charlie plays horrible. I went outside and sat on the hammock chair to get away from Charlie. Tom and Joe and Ed watched football.

At 5 o'clock I went to Winn Dixie for groceries. I spent $156 on produce. That's all I bought. Hurried home and made it to church at 6 with Tom. Ed had to put the groceries away. 

After church Tom went to the rink for hockey and I started supper. I cut up the usual two watermelons and made a green salad. I made another salad with millet, beans, green onion, celery, tamatoes, and parsley. It was ok. 

Garrett and Tommy took care of the dishes. I'm not ready for the week ahead. School. I'm just not psyched. Tired describes me. Tomorrow is week 8 of school. We've been steady and working hard, but we are a week behind. I scheduled to take a week off after the 9th week. I want to go vedge at the beach.

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