Wednesday, September 10, 2014

September 10, 2014


I did not walk today. I had to get 3 boys up and ready for our homeschool field trip to Jacob's Aqauatic Park. I packed a cooler and ate oatmeal. TJ and family rode with us. Unfortunately, it started pouring while we were driving there. It's a two hour drive. We were hopeful, but the whole group ended up at the Key Largo library instead. It rained and rained and rained. 

When we got home we had about an hour and a half to change gears and get ready for our gig at Schooner Wharf. The big kids had meetings and practiced during the day. I finished up my last two cheeses and got them in the fridge. Then it was time to leave for Schooner Wharf.

When we arrived Charlie and I took a walk to Kilwin's. :0) I tried doing embroidery but it got dark too quick. There were red lights above our table and I couldn't see the colors of my thread, so I was bored for a while. Then our friends Gale and Kelly showed up and the rest of the evening was better. 

In the rainy picture there is a park bench flooded. That was at the aquatic park. :0(

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