Sunday, September 7, 2014

September 7, 2014


Our third day with no kids. It's been and not as messy. :0)

Tom and I went to church. Then Tom, Kim. Stevie, and I went to see a friend's new house. We stayed about 1 1/2 hours, then came home. I made lunch. We changed into our swimsuits and picked up Jake and Callie and took them swimming at Ida's house. 

We swam for about 2 hours. Some other friends were there too, so Jake and Callie had kids to play with. When we were done swimming we took the kids home and went home to change. Tom and I went to church again, then home. Tom met Rob at the park to skate.  I cut up half a watermelon, made a salad, and some quinoa with vegetables. We ate and visited. I cleaned up the kitchen a little and went to bed. 

The kids should be home around 3 AM. I hope I'm in a deep sleep and don't wake up. My alarm is set for 7.

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