Sunday, September 21, 2014

September 20, 2014


Callie woke up during the night and Tom brought her in bed with us. She didn't bother me at all but Tom said she kicked him all night so he moved to the crib mattress on the floor. :0) Tommy's friend, Cameron, spent the night, and Ian and Ariel too.

The band left for their gig at 11 AM. TJ and Angelica dropped Jake off. They took Violet with them for a day on the mainland, shopping and then to see Chip Ingram in the evening. 

I fed kids, did embroidery, changed diapers, watered plants, made more food, did dishes, and cleaned. Jake and Callie loved playing with Ariel. They were all in pretend playland mode. Ian broke up a bunch of styrofoam in the boys room. I had him clean up what he could and I swept. I told him to never, ever do that again. 

The band got back sometime after six o'clock and I took Charlie to Kim's to play with Stevie so Kim and I could weave.  Garrett worked at church. Nina watched the other kids for me. The big kids went to the park for hockey. 

When Charlie and I left Kim's we stopped at Winn Dixie. Got home. I Chopped up two watermelons. Luckily I had leftover salad, and I made coconut blackbeans and rice. Everybody ate. Tommy put dishes away and Garrett washed. I put leftovers away. It was late when TJ and Ang got there to pick up the kids, but they were still awake. 

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