Monday, September 22, 2014

September 22, 2014


Tom and I went kayaking with a group this morning. I almost backed out for a few reasons: a school day, the sore on my leg, and 50% chance of thunderstorms, but we went. Tom and a few others saw a waterspout  when we got to the launch spot. :0) I didn't because trees were in my way. We went thru some mangroves. It was so quiet. Sometimes we had to lay down on the kayak to get under branches. After we got out there was quite a bit of thunder and lightning in the distance, so we hung out in the mangroves for a while. Then the sun came out and we paddled around.

When we got home I had about two hours before we had to go to work. I showered and tried to correct Garrett's math. Then we were off to Sloppy Joes. 

Charlie fought with Tommy and Jake the whole first set. I thought the music was too loud. I was very happy to walk to Duetto's during the first break for gelato for the kids, affagato and focaccia for me. 

The rest of the night was uneventful, which is a good thing. :0) Lots of lightning in the sky while driving home.

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