Monday, September 8, 2014

September 8, 2014


I woke up to my alarm at 7 and went walking. I showered and then made banana blueberry muffins. I tried waking up Tommy and Garrett three times for school, but they couldn't get up. They got home at 3:30 AM from Orlando. 

So I changed gears and pulled out my sewing machine. I did some alterations on 2 pairs of jeans for Rob. Then I worked on some more vegan cheese recipes. Some are made from cashews and others with my coconut milk yogurt, and this other stuff, rejuvelac, that I made from wheat berries. One will be sharp cheddar, another will be meltable mozzarella, and another will be a soft cheese with garlic, sun-dried tomatoes, and fresh basil. 

Ed and Garrett woke up on their own, but I had to wake everyone else up at 2:45 PM so we could leave for Sloppy Joe's at 3:30. A minute after Joe was awake he realized he needed someone to take him to pick up his bass from Dean's house where it was getting repaired. I was trying to make and pack my lunch, but had to take Joe. Since it was close to TJ's house, we picked up TJ on our way home. We all ride together to most gigs.

It was crazy when we got back to our house. They weren't ready and we were 25 minutes late leaving. Kurt forgot his headphones. After we were setting up at Sloppy's, Ed couldn't find his mandolin. He left it at the studio.  He was mad. 

I called Bobby, and he went and got the mandolin and brought it to Key West. Ed played his electric mandolin for half the show, till Bob got there. I took Bob and Shannon over to Duetto's and fed them supper and gave him gas money as a thank you. He was a tremendous help. 

1 comment:

  1. mmmm, I want to hear more about your cheese that you make.... sound good and healthy
