Wednesday, September 10, 2014

September 9, 2014


I went walking and tried to get school started at 10, but Garrett was late, and Kurt was ranting about a box he needed. He left it laying around, and now needed it to return some headphones to get repaired. The headphones were in the box and worth a few hundred dollars. Of course he acted like it was my fault he couldn't find them. Did I mention that the dishes were never done from Monday? Add all these things up and you get one frustrated homeschool mom. 

I was able to start school an hour late, but knew we couldn't get much done, since we had to leave for our first gym class of the year at 1 PM. We made it through literature and science and it was time to leave.

Angelica came over with the kids and rode with us to PE, so did Shannon. There were so many homeschoolers there. It was great, but hot. Still summertime in the Keys. I had hoped to get back to our schoolwork when we got home but it was too crazy. I attacked the mountain of dishes.

The boys went to the park for roller hockey. I went to Winn Dixie for food. Charlie went with me. When we got he we carried up bags and I cut watermelon and made the salad. I cheated tonight and bought subs. The boys came back early from hockey. It started to rain while they were playing. 

We ate. I did dishes again and went to bed, late. :0(

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