Wednesday, September 24, 2014

September 24, 2014


I went walking this morning. Tom, Ed, Nina, Ben, Kurt, Ian, Ariel, and Charlie went to the mainland, up around Fort Pierce somewhere, to trade in our white 15 passenger for a a new/used van. Then they were going to a hockey game in the evening. It was about a 6 hour drive up there. 

Garrett and I went to Salvation Army. We bought a few books. When we came out there was iguana poop all over our windshield and the hood of the car. Disgusting!! :0( we went home and Garrett sprayed it off with the hose. 

We did school. It was ok. I like our art and music and we didn't get to it today, but we are doing good. We quit at 5. Garrett and Tommy went to Coco's for Cuban Mixes, their favorite. Joe and I went to No name Pub. Then we all met up at church. 

After church I came home, outlined another section of Garrett's history, and then made cupcakes for Callie's birthday. I made a double batch. While they were cooking I washed and washed and washed dishes. No one did them last night. Ugh!!! Joe did bookkeeping. I'm really behind. What else is new, right?

Then, the cupcakes flopped. :0( They were from scratch. I had two cake mixes in the pantry so I pulled them out and started over. It was 11 by now. Jonathan had come over after church and wasn't feeling good. He slept a little on the couch and woke up sick. He threw up. I didn't want him riding his bike home (about 6 miles) at midnight feeling like he was so I put Garrett in charge of cupcakes and I took him home.

Got home, finished up the cupcakes and a few more dishes. Living room is trashed, but I'm done. Nighty night. 

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