Saturday, September 13, 2014

September 12, 2014


It poured for quite a while this morning. No walking today. I hoped to exercise but never had time.

School was hard. Garrett and Tommy drag their feet, wasting time. Tommy has a bad attitude with his school work, and he is very lazy. Garrett's attitude is ok, but he is late and wastes time.

Chores are not being done. 

It's a mess here. 

The band went to their gig at the Hurricane. 

I took Ariel and Charlie to the movie night at church. Afterwards we ate frozen pizzas and then brownies with ice cream. I did some embroidery and laundry.  I stayed up late doing dishes.

While making Tommy's bed a cockroach fell out of the blanket as I was trying to put it on bed. :0( I hate them. :0( There was one the night before in my bathroom drawer where my toothbrush is. Makes me want to move way north. No roaches in Springville! Or Ozark.

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