Saturday, September 20, 2014

September 19, 2014


We started school 2 hours late. Garrett couldn't get up. I used the time to outliine Garrett's history.  It makes it way easier to teach. I guess we got a half day in. Garrett wanted to make chocolate chip cookies for the homeschool talent show tonight, so I sent Ed to Winn Dixie for sugar, chocolate chips, and eggs. Garrett made a double batch while I read aloud.

We had two gigs. TJ, Ang, and Nina played at Hogfish. When it was time for them to go, TJ's truck wouldn't start. Dead battery. I was to watch Jake and Callie, so I went to pick them up. Tom watched Violet at the Hogfish, so he also drove over to TJ's and picked up TJ, Ang, and Violet. Before we left though, Tom was super upset with Kurt, who wasn't home from Key West yet, and the band was ready to go to their gig at Mangrove Mama's. The whole thing was stressful.

Anyways, I brought Jake and Callie to our house and it was time to go over to the church for the homeschool talent show. We picked up Tommy and the cookies. Garrett rode his skateboard over.

It was a fun night, once the kinks got straightened out. Jake and Callie were very good. Afterwards we ate a few treats, then went home.  I ordered two pizzas and picked them up. No time or energy to make supper. 

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