Friday, February 28, 2014

February 27, 2014


We had rain this morning so I did not go walking. I made blueberry banana muffins and we started school at 11 o'clock. The big kids went to church to set up and get ready for the youth service. 

Tj took Ang to Miami for her dr appt. she had to go for her 3 hour sugar test. we watched the kids for them. I went to Kim's at 3 and wove 2 feet. I came home, made a salad for me, a peanut butter and jelly for Jake, and oatmeal with blueberries for Callie. That's what they wanted. :0)

Tom and I buckled the grandkids and Charlie in the car and drove to spend the evening at Rob's house. His dad just got here for a visit. He is staying for a month.

I helped Rob finish making pizzas. Tom stayed with the kids and Rob and I took food to the hospital for Anastasia. She took a friend's little girl, who she picked up from day care, to the ER. She was really sick and coughing. They admitted her with pneumonia. Anastasia was going to stay with her till the girl's mother could get there.

We went back to Rob's. The kids watched Tom and Jerry for a while, then we dropped off the grandkids and went home. It was late but I had Tommy empty the dishwasher and had Garrett load the dishwasher and wash dishes.

Ben woke me up close to 1 am playing electric guitar. Sometimes he is such a dummy.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

February 26, 2014


I woke up early enough for quiet time and my walk. I woke kids up at 10 and started school with Tommy and Charlie at 11. Garrett and the older boys went to a meeting at church. 

We finished school just before 3. Tommy and Charlie went to art class at the park. I did bookkeeping for and hour, then went to Kim's studio. Tom took me on his Harley. I'm a nervous wreck on that thing.  We wove until 6, but didn't get done as much as we hoped. Stevie was a little cranky, and I had problems withy selvages and finding my groove. 

Doug picked us up at 6:30 and we went to church. Kim and I both brought out supper and ate there. Bible study was after supper. We had a guest speak about his book "Gravity, true for you but not for me." 

Afterwards, Charlie went to sleep at TJ's house. I did dishes,  then snuggled up in bed at home and read till I fell asleep.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

February 25, 2014


I overslept because I got to bed so late last night. I did not go walking, but went to Kim's studio instead. I was there from 9:30-3:45. I left a "to-do" list for the  3 youngest boys, some chores and schoolwork. Tom dropped them off at gym class and he visited Grandma Helen. 

I think I'd been to Kim's studio once since TJ and Ang moved back. When I walked in I was amazed at all that was going on there, and all the color. There was a project on 3 looms and 2 warping boards. It was exciting. Kim's friend Christina came over to weave too, and also Angelica.

Ed, Ben, and Nina left early this morning to play at Blue Heaven from 10 am to 2. They stayed all day in Key West. They played a second gig at Sunset Pier from 5-7 PM.

At 3:45 I went to Tai Chi. Then went home and got my shopping list. I decided to make strawberry shortcake for Kevin's pickin' party tonight. I went to Winn Dixie and got my groceries. I got a sub for me and two desserts, a single serving of coconut cream pie and a small chocolate cherry cake. I went shopping hungry with not enough time to make something for supper. 

Came home and out the cold ad frozen things away. Garrett on down all went to the park, Bob, Shannon, Ailsa, and some other friends too. I cleaned and chopped 6 qts of strawberries. They didn't taste that good so I had to add a little sugar. Then I tripled a recipe for vegan shortcake. I got that in the oven, ordered 6 pizzas for the kids, and washed a few dishes.

Joe returned from somewhere with JC. They picked up the pizzas for me. At 9, Tom, Charlie, and I left for Kevin's party. We picked up TJ and Ang, but left Tom to babysit. Ed and crew stopped at Kevin's on their way home. Joe and JC went over too.

I love Kevin's parties. We used to stay overnight in our RV in his driveway. Good memories. :0) Too bad we were all tired. We didn't stay too long. Charlie enjoyed playing the game swinging the ring on a string to catch on a hook in the wall. He didn't want to leave. 

Got home and went straight to bed.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

February 24, 2014


Felt worn out and tired this morning. I did not want to tackle the dishes, or the living room, or school, so we went to the Beach. Bahia Honda State Park is 5 minutes from our house so that is where we went. We spent 2 1/2 hours there, then stopped at Winn Dixie for a late lunch. 

Once home,it was time to get ready for Schooner Wharf. The band left at 4:30. The younger boys and I planned to leave later. I showered, then did an hour of bookkeeping. I went to women's Bible study at church. I went back home, picked up the boys,  and drove to Key West at 8:00 PM. 

It was a fun night. I stayed longer than I planned. Rob came. Zona was our waitress. Aaron M. M. Was there. Jason showed up. And a young man from Western New York came to the show. He had seen us when we first started playing at Stereo Advantage in Williamsville, NY.

We didn't get home till close to 1 am.

February 23, 2014


I woke up before 6, which gave me a lot of quiet time. Went to church, then to Boondocks where TJ, Ang, Joe, and Ben played for a Habitat for Humanity benefit. Tom and I watched Jake and Callie there. We all ate there. It was fun being out. Tj played putt putt golf with the kids. Ed and Kurt played with Nina's band at Sunset Pier.

We were home for a short time, then TJ, Ang, and Ben played at St. Columba Church in Marathon. It was an outdoor concert. Again we watched Jake and Callie. Went home and went to bed.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

February 22, 2014


I almost went to the beach this morning, but I did my devos, walked, and did chores all day. I had Tommy fold laundry with me, so I could coach him along. Garrett had to pick up the living room. It took him all day, the bum. I went to Walgreens and bought shampoo, vitamin C for Nina, and rechargeable batteries for the band.

I used my new pressure cooker to cook chickpeas. I made hummus and chickpea patties (like chicken tenders), steamed asparagus, steamed broccoli, and a salad. 

Then it was time to drive to Schooner Wharf. The band played at Sunset Pier earlier today, but Nina didn't go because of her cold. She went with me to Schooner though. We wanted her to get a little rest.

Schooner was packed. TJ had brought Jake and he just wants to be on stage. He is so funny. About 5 people thought I was Kim. So funny.

I left about 10:00, dropped Naomi at home and then dropped Jake at home. I listened to my book while driving. It took over an hour to get home. Listening to the book "One Thousand Gifts."

When I got go home I read a little, then read to Charlie, then went to bed.

Friday, February 21, 2014

February 21, 2014


I had my quiet time, then went to Winn Dixie. Came home and made blueberry muffins for breakfast and chickpea noodle soup for lunch. Charlie went to his fiddle lesson. I did school with Garrett and Tommy. Made a quick salad and packed it and soup for the drive to Sloppy's. we left at 1:30. I'm enjoying cauliflower in my salads lately. Today I added blueberries and some walnuts.

Sloppy's was busy. We play just two sets for the Friday show. Jake was awesome tonight. We stopped at the Cafe on our way home and I split a veggie burger with Tom. We dropped Naomi off at home, Aaron at a friend's house, and then TJ at home on our way home.

Charlie ate jello that he made last night. 

I am so tired and it's not even 10 PM.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

February 20, 2014


I still can't shake my yucky feeling. I walked this morning. I have no desire to run. When I got home, Tom and I went to a secret beach. We stayed about 2 hours. We came home about 1 o'clock and I showered. 

I forced myself to do school. On one hand I want to, and on the other, Garrett and Tommy are making me mad. I sat at the table waiting for at least a half hour for Garrett to get out of the bathroom. Everyone was so busy today that I got stuck with dishes. Most of the time I don't care, but right now I am sick of dishes. 

TJ dropped the kids off. He helped me with Quicken on my computer and it worked. All we did was turn it on. The last two days Quicken wouldn't work. Grrrrr. So, I got the bank statements finished, all reconciled. There's 3 credit cards, one has 9 statements reconciled. The others, nothing is entered.

I tried to print out 3 credit card statements and the printer chops of some. Grrr. Everywhere I turn with bookkeeping is all roadblocks. I hate it.

So of course there was no supper. I can't do school, bookkeeping, and make supper. I made a salad but didn't eat any.

Tommy had a guitar lesson. Bobby picked up Charlie. All the bigger kids spent the whole day at church getting ready for youth group (OMY).

Angelica stopped and picked up the kids. I read a little, then entered another statement onto the computer.

I must go to bed. I'm making Garrett and Tommy go to bed at 11 now. Me too, but it's 11:35 now so I must go so I can get up at 7.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

February 19, 2014


This morning I went in the hot tub, then had quiet time. After that I went walking. Showered. Made polenta for breakfast. Did school. Tried to do bookkeeping again but the computer won't let me enter anything. It ruined my day again and I wasted time doing nothing.

Went to church. Home. Folded laundry and did an omnibus class. Read to Charlie and went to bed. 

Here's a link to a video Kurt made about yesterday.

Hope it works as I was having a hard time staying awake typing this.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February 18, 2014

This morning I walked and ate my oatmeal. Then I went to Winn Dixie and bought milk and strawberries. Oh, and cookies. I needed them.

I came home and ate cookies and drank coffee. I tried to do some bookkeeping, but my computer would not let me enter any debits. That made me super grumpy and mad. I hate bookkeeping!!!! How did I get this job?!  I finally gave up.

TJ brought Jake and Callie over and we went to gym class.

When we got home, I didn't want to go to my Tai Chi class, so I didn't. Angelica was feeling pretty bad today, so Ed and Nina went with TJ to play at Springer's. Tom and I had the grandkids. We walked over to Spinger's. Kim played the first set, then Nina took Kim's spot and Kim went home. A fan gave Ed and Nina some nice Saber's hats.

Tom took the young kids and a few big ones to the park and played hockey. I stayed at the gig for a while, the came home and made a pitiful attempt at playing guitar.

The kids came back from the park and ordered pizza. I watched Cinderella with Callie, till TJ, Ed, and Nina came back from the gig. Then we went to bed.

Monday, February 17, 2014

February 17, 2014


This morning I made pancakes. I 10x the recipe. I 5x it for us but doubled that with Stacey and her kids here. Then most of us went to the beach at Bahia Honda State Park. The sun was warm, the breeze cool. It was a gorgeous day.  But all good things must come to an end. Stacey and her family had to leave. They headed back towards Orlando, and we headed back to Big Pine. The visit was much too short, but better than nothing. She came Saturday evening and left Monday afternoon.

Tom and Tommy stayed home from the beach and watched Jake and Callie. TJ and  Angelica went to Miami for Ang's dr. appt. We were at the beach for about 2 hours.

When I got home I finished loading the dishwasher and cleared the table. I sat in the hot tub for a while. TJ picked up the kids and then Tom and I went for a picnic at the culvert on Middle Torch for supper.

The boys went to the park to play hockey. I read a little and sat in my bed. I never got to my bookkeeping work today. I don't have time for that. 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

February 16, 2014

I woke up early, fed a few people and cleaned up some dishes. I packed salad and apples to go to Stacey's gig with her.

They sold out in front of St. Paul's church on Duval Street and played for tips. They did great. Then we walked Duval to watch Nina's band at Sunset Pier, where we ate. Next we went to Geiger Key. I took Stacey and her crew for a walk down the beach to see the sick and stone house that a guy used to live in on the beach. 

After that we were all pretty beat. We went back o our house. The kids ate and watched "Dispicable Me." I folded laundry.After Stacey's little ones were in bed, Stacey and I walked to Bistro 31. We came home, went in the hot tub, and then to bed.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

February 15, 2014


I walked/ ran this morning. Then sat in the hot tub. I cleaned all day. I changed 4 beds. Tommy was a horrible helper. The only thing he can do is put dishes away. Garrett helped a lot. 

About 4 o'clock Garrett and I went to Winn Dixie to buy spaghetti and salad fixings for tonight. Our friend Jim was at our house when I got home. We talked a few minutes and then I had to change and go to St. Pete's to see my friend Stacy and her family. 

I came home and made spaghetti and salad. There were 38 people at our house for Ed's birthday. It was super loud and super crazy. But I made it thru it. Dishes done.

Friday, February 14, 2014

February 14, 2014


I went to bed trying to get 8 hours of sleep, but Tom woke me up at 6 to take me out for a surprise breakfast. It took me a while to not be mad and crabby at him for waking me up.  I did not want to get up at 6.

So we went out for breakfast. Then tried to mail Carol's Christmas present but the post office wasn't open yet. We went back home. I woke up Charlie and got him ready to get picked up to go to his fiddle lesson.  I went for my walk and Tom went to clean at church. When I got back I made  biscuits and sausage gravy, a tradition that we have every time we are with my mom and dad. 

I went down to the hot tub. My mom and dad left to go back home. Then we had to get ready to go to Sloppy Joes. Tom left a little earlier than us to go to the hospital to take care of Garrett's hospital bills. 

Key West was busy. The kids had a great show. On the way home we picked up a fridge for Angelica for a Valentine present. I was so hungry, not having had dinner, and ate some chocolate that a super fan gave us tonight. Charlie and Jake were going bonkers in the van while Tom and the boys were loading the fridge. I almost went bonkers.  I did see this really neat porch railing while picking up the fridge.

We stopped at TJ's and dropped off the fridge, then went home.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

February 12, 2014


I can't remember if I walked yesterday or not. I don't like getting behind on my blog. I lost my routine when I went to NY the beginning of January and I'm having a hard time getting it back.

After our schoolwork was finished, mom showed me how to use the embroidery machine that Stacy gave me. I ordered some things I need for it. 

We went to church for supper and Bible study. We drove home to lots of lightening and it started to rain. The wind picked up and it cooled down.

I stayed up too late visiting with my mom and dad. I need to be in bed by 11.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

February 11, 2014


I went walking. Still running 3 times around the park. I can't believe I can do it!

Tom and I dropped the 3 youngest boys off at gym class in Marathon. We had Joe with us and the three of us went to talk to an accountant about setting up an LLC and payroll for the band members. It was a good meeting. Then we stopped at Carol's and picked up some hockey pants, went back to the park to pick up the boys, and drove home. It was a gorgeous day. The water was flat and pretty. 

I ate a quick salad. The boys did math and history while I went to my Tai Chi class. Came home, made pizza dough , vegan cheese, and a salad. Did some dishes. The boys went to play hockey. I ordered 6 pizzas and made two of my own with whole wheat crusts, vegan cheese, and veggies. I also used a pizza stone for the first time. My pizzas are getting better but there's still room for improvement. Picked up the pizzas. 

Everyone came back from the park and ate. Garrett went to Dion's and bought me a bag of ice for the 5 gallon drink cooler. I put leftovers away and had Garrett and Jonathan take out the garbage. Tommy put dishes away and my mom did the dishes. I was so tired again and went to bed.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

February 10, 2014


Callie woke me up early. She came in bed with me. When she was asleep I moved to her mattress on the floor but couldn't fall back asleep. I finally got up and got ready for my walk. I ran 3 times around the park again. I can't believe I'm doing it.

I hung out with mom and dad in the kitchen. I baked a cake for Shannon's birthday tonight. I watered some plants. Tom, Joe, Ben, Tommy, and Charlie went out on their friend JC's boat. 

At three, my parent's, Garrett, Jake, Callie, and I went to Key West for Garrett's dr. appt. I don't have to stuff him anymore! The hole has healed shut.  The next stop was Hogfish for a late lunch. Jake and Callie were very good and we had a great meal. I also saw Bulmar, who I hadn't seen in a very long time. He works at the Hogfish.

Since the gas tank was on E, we stopped for gas, then headed home. I was late for, but was going to go anyways, to Bible study. Then I decided against that. I had to get ready for the birthday party.  

I made a salad , chick pea chicken less salad. and frosted the cake. The kids had all gone to hockey but they came back and ate. Then we sang "Happy birthday." I was so tired. So many dishes. 

TJ and Ang got home!! Rob had brought al the newton kids up. Bobby came over. We had a nice party for Shannon.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

February 9, 2014


I thought I got up with lots of time to get ready but it was quickly gone. I fed Callie, then Jake, and got them dressed. I got Charlie up and dressed, and then took a shower. I hadn't time to eat my oatmeal so I ate breakfast at church today.

Some of us went to church, the other half to Nina's gig. After church, I finished putting band T-shirts into bags and labeling them, while visiting with my mom. I fed Callie and watered my plants and before I knew it, it was time to leave for Schooner Wharf. My mom and dad rode down with us in the 15 passenger van. The plan was for us to leave the gig around 9:30 with the little kids and that's what we did.

Our friend, Jason, was our waiter. Ronda Vincent was in the audience at our show. I didn't see her but Tom talked to her and her husband. Our friend Aaron was there too. I haven't seen him in a few years since he moved away. Callie stole the show tonight, playing her fiddle and dancing. I wish I would have gotten some video or pictures, but it was just too hard keeping track of Jake and her and doing that too.  I couldn't get her off the stage for four songs. Then I had to take her off and she was mad. That was my cue to get ready to leave. 

She fell asleep on the way home but woke up when I laid her down on her bed. :0( It was 10:00 PM and I needed to get fruit. We've been out of it for two days. My mom and dad and the other boys stayed with Jake and Callie and I went to Winn Dixie. I came home, put it away, got the kids ready for bed, and I went to bed.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

February 8, 2014


Jake slept all night but Callie was up crying. She finally decided she liked her bed better and went back to her bed and slept the rest of the night. I decided not to walk, as I might be needed at home. The band had to leave at 11 for Sunset Pier.

Today was busy and hot, 85 in the house. We were out of bread so I made bread today. I folded at least 6 loads of wash, all of it, done. I also changed the bedding in Nina's room for my parents, who arrived about 6:00. They are visiting a few days and Nina graciously gave up her room. 

I needed to go to Winn Dixie for fruit. We have none. But Rob stopped in for a visit so I visited instead. I worked at folding and putting Doerfel t-shirts in bags to keep them clean. I also labeled the bags to make finding the right size easier. 

Callie had fun washing dishes twice today, and Jake helped me roll out the bread dough. They were fun.

The band stopped to pick us up for the 2nd gig. We were a few minutes from home when Tom got a call from Sunset Grill in Marathon. There was a schedule mix-up and they thought we were playing there. We were on our way to Knights Key Campground, which is almost next door to Sunset Grill. We checked Tom's messages and looked for emails but couldn't find anything booking us there for that day. 

We used to live at Knights Key, maybe 6 or 7 years ago, so it was fun being there. People remembered us. I invited two young men to sit with us at our table. They had food in their hands and all the tables were full. They were from Denmark. As the night went on we talked more and it was fun chatting with them. My friend Dahlia also came with her daughter and kept me company. Jake and Callie were good. Garrett, Tommy, and even Tom helped to watch them. Someone put off fireworks, which made the night even more fun. 

At the end of the night I found out some troubling news. The owner of Sunset Grill had come over to Knights Key with two thugs and almost got in a fight with Tom. Tonight they had a 4 year anniversary party and that's what they wanted us to play for. The fireworks were from their party. He was mad that we were playing at Knights Key instead of his place.

When we got home my parents were there. Jake and Callie fell asleep on the ride and were put to bed. Tom and I went in the hot tub. I changed Garrett's bandage and it was the first time that i didn't have to stuff him with gauze. the hole is so small now that i don't have to. YAY!! I visited with my folks just a tiny bit and hit the sack. 

We hope to see our Denmark friends at Schooner Wharf tomorrow night. 

February 7, 2014


No walk today. I slept horrible. We did chores, school, and laundry. We had a gig in Marathon at Cabana Breezes. It was our first time there and it's a great place. I cant wait to go back. The kids all had fun, including Jake and Callie. Garrett came too and helped me out. Also, some home schooling moms came and I was able to visit with them.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Thursday, February 6, 2014

February 6, 2014


I set my alarm again and got up nice and early. I went walking a little after 8. I ran 2 1/2 times around the park today. 

I made oatmeal for Tommy and I and had to make Tommy eat it. He doesn't like oatmeal. He doesn't like bananas. Grrrrr. I put blueberries in it. We did chores, but Ben. Kurt, and Ed had already left for the studio. The dishes belonged to one of them so they didn't get done till about 5 o'clock by Ben. There was a ton and he couldn't finish because he jad to leave for youth group. I bet you can guess who got stuck with them.

Anyways, I had to fight off the grumpies because the kids took so long with everything. We didn't start school till close to one. That makes me mad. I had been up for 6 hours before we started school. 

TJ dropped the grandkids off. I made Mac and cheese with the leftover vegan cheese I made and it was very good. The kids all liked it. 

TJ and Ang played at Blue Heaven. Tom and I were going to go with them, but when it was time to leave, there was too much stuff to move in Ed's van, so Tom and I stayed home with Jake and Callie. Tom eventually left to Key West to meet with someone.

The older kids went to youth group. Garrett and Charlie went to Shannon's house. Rob stopped in. He took Jake to the park, but Callie fell asleep just as we were about to leave, so just Rob and Jake went. I fed Rob leftover teriyaki chickpeas, quinoa, and was making a salad when it was time for him to head home.

I did the ton of dishes. Then the big kids came home and made more dirty dishes. Argh!!!!

AND...I wanted to go to bed at 11. It's now 12:43 am. :0(