Tuesday, February 4, 2014

February 4, 2014


I overslept again. With the late start I decided it was more important to get some laundry folded than going for a walk. I was going to do science before gym class, but Aaron spilled a glass of water on the table and my lesson planner got wet, along with some other things. So I spent time laying out papers and my book to dry.  I shouldn't have left it on the table.

The kids finally picked chores from the chore hat this morning, so things got cleaned up. The chores are: wash dishes, dry dishes, living room, computer nook and boys'  bedroom, hallway bathroom, carport, clean out 15 passenger van and GMC, help Charlie, and one card says 'nothing.' They pick them from a hat, and one lucky person gets nothing. It works great with a lot of kids but wouldn't be so great with just a few. The big kids went to the studio to record for their new CD.

I offered to take TJ's kids to gym class so he brought them over. We left at 12:30. I had set my phone on a picnic table withy stuff. I noticed it on the ground and picked it up. The screen was all cracked. I think someone knocked it off the table and then someone stepped on it. :0( I'm very sad.

We hurried home so I could make it to my Tai Chi class. That's another thing I need to do, practiced  my Tai Chi. Since I've had so many lessons as the only student, and now there's other beginners, the teacher offered to come a half hour early to teach me more stuff. She's so sweet. :0)

After that I hurried to Winn Dixie for garbage bags and berries. I ran out of bags yesterday and our garbage was a bit backed up. Yesterday Tom met a couple in the church parking wondering if they could spend two nights in the lot. They were looking for a campground and they're full. Tom told them he didn't think so, but they could stay next to our house. So last night was their first night. As a thank you, they offered to feed us supper tonight. So they brought us 3 extra large pizzas tonight, and salad. 

TJ and Ang had a gig at Springers tonight, so I watched Jake and Callie. The big kids had a rare evening off and had some friends over to watch a movie. It was a Thor movie, loud and violent, so the littles and I him out in my room. I folded laundry.  I snuck down to the hot tub for about a half hour by myself. Then Callie and I played hair salon and I did her hair. What fun!

TJ and Ang got back about 10:30. Tom also got home. He left at 2 today to drive to the Fort Lauderdale airport to pick up his stepdad and gramma Helen. So we visited a little with TJ and Ang. Then it was a little after 11, and I wanted to be in bed by 11, so I started cracking the whip and made the kids get to bed. I'm only an hour late to bed, and I'm setting my alarm for 7.

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