Wednesday, February 12, 2014

February 11, 2014


I went walking. Still running 3 times around the park. I can't believe I can do it!

Tom and I dropped the 3 youngest boys off at gym class in Marathon. We had Joe with us and the three of us went to talk to an accountant about setting up an LLC and payroll for the band members. It was a good meeting. Then we stopped at Carol's and picked up some hockey pants, went back to the park to pick up the boys, and drove home. It was a gorgeous day. The water was flat and pretty. 

I ate a quick salad. The boys did math and history while I went to my Tai Chi class. Came home, made pizza dough , vegan cheese, and a salad. Did some dishes. The boys went to play hockey. I ordered 6 pizzas and made two of my own with whole wheat crusts, vegan cheese, and veggies. I also used a pizza stone for the first time. My pizzas are getting better but there's still room for improvement. Picked up the pizzas. 

Everyone came back from the park and ate. Garrett went to Dion's and bought me a bag of ice for the 5 gallon drink cooler. I put leftovers away and had Garrett and Jonathan take out the garbage. Tommy put dishes away and my mom did the dishes. I was so tired again and went to bed.

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