Friday, February 28, 2014

February 27, 2014


We had rain this morning so I did not go walking. I made blueberry banana muffins and we started school at 11 o'clock. The big kids went to church to set up and get ready for the youth service. 

Tj took Ang to Miami for her dr appt. she had to go for her 3 hour sugar test. we watched the kids for them. I went to Kim's at 3 and wove 2 feet. I came home, made a salad for me, a peanut butter and jelly for Jake, and oatmeal with blueberries for Callie. That's what they wanted. :0)

Tom and I buckled the grandkids and Charlie in the car and drove to spend the evening at Rob's house. His dad just got here for a visit. He is staying for a month.

I helped Rob finish making pizzas. Tom stayed with the kids and Rob and I took food to the hospital for Anastasia. She took a friend's little girl, who she picked up from day care, to the ER. She was really sick and coughing. They admitted her with pneumonia. Anastasia was going to stay with her till the girl's mother could get there.

We went back to Rob's. The kids watched Tom and Jerry for a while, then we dropped off the grandkids and went home. It was late but I had Tommy empty the dishwasher and had Garrett load the dishwasher and wash dishes.

Ben woke me up close to 1 am playing electric guitar. Sometimes he is such a dummy.

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